Act drunk?!
Answers: i am in a play where i eat a lot of minced meat with booze in it (not really) but i have to announce the winners in a drunk voice, i think i got it down but i am not sure if it right.
sluuuuur/studder/mix up your words, hic-up, have a tired/drunk look on your face, burp, act like your going to throw up lol you'll be great!
Come over and listen to me talk for a while
lol just go for the stereotypical drunken voice, slurring and all that..
strangely not that many ppl actually do slur.. mainly women do but men don't really
A person who is drunk is trying very, very hard to not sound drunk. They over-pronounce their words, speak a bit too slowly, slur in spite of themselves.
One little thing I've noticed is a quick little exhale in between sentences, almost like a quiet "whew."
If you go to your local police department and ask them to see vidoes they that them. This will help you out. Because your voice changes the more you have drank or the mood you are in. if that does not help check out your local health department or mental health department, they have AA meetings there. So, they would have videos, pamlets, etc. This will really help you out. Good luck on acting drunk.
just act like your by yourself