Red wine or white wine this evening?!


Red wine or white wine this evening?

which would you like?

on it's own food already gone.

OK so the food is already gone. Skip the Red unless it is a chilled Pinot noir - go for a more social, wine, white - easy drinking like Blossom Hill from California - personally I prefer something a little sweeter on its own after a meal - non vintage port is right up my street.
But if you are really adventurous and like a red wine with a sparkle try Banrock station sparkling Shiraz - in a warm bath with the candles lit.!!
Well you did ask

I love Red Wine


as its a school day tomorrow i will have just 1 glass of that lambrini rubbish ta very much

Red wine gives me a headache so Its go to be white for me.

red, then you can listen to the song and sing along

red wine

White, because when I spill it on my white shirt the whole world can't see!

red please , very relaxing and sensual (my choice :?)

I'll take some red please.

Red Wine is the best, had you ever drunk strawberry red wine? its good.

Red-it's healthier.

id go for red every time.

im still pondering on whether to go out & get a cheap bottle. I shouldnt really as dont have much money & payday 25th but i could REALLY go a nice bottle of red tonight. Something with body - you dont get that with white.


In that case, Boone's Farm strawberry!

Just kidding. I like an Italian or German red, with a reisling as a close second.

def red wine, u buying?

I love to savour a good glass of red wine on its own.I find there is more complexity of flavours and as it should be served at room temperature you can get your nose into more of the bouquet as the higher temperature drives off the volatile components more easily.
However if it were to be a really hot day then a lovely glass of chilled white would be much more refreshing.

Yeah right; Who do you think you are fooling everybody knows wine is for breakfast.

just get back on the stella

Darn, read this too late already got mine in, a very nice Marques Del Norte Rioja. Really good buy from Asda at the moment <3 quid (hic) Chin chin....

red wine because i'm also going to have some!!enjoy x

I prefer read; nowadays, I'm more serious than I could
be when I had just started drinking wine.
Favorites are any good Shiraz, zinfandel and a very good chianti only.

For whites, I prefer emerald Riesling anda better Colombard.

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