Has anyone *actually* waited 'til they were 21 to drink?!


Has anyone *actually* waited 'til they were 21 to drink?

Just wondering, because I started as a teenager. Same with most of my old high school buddies, and the same as many people I know who say that they have consumed alcohol prior to turning 18.

No. I don't think anyone does. Now if you ask me, Mike D. has a good answer. As a parent, you can't forbid something that you do yourself. If you forbid your child from drinking at all, then you go out and get smashed on new year's, what's that teaching your kid? I had my first beer at the age of 4. I had hard liquor for the first time at age 8. As a teen, I drank with my parents. But we never got completely hammered, no. We got a little buzzed, and we were done, and we never drove either. Responsible drinking; know your limits. I learned my limits, and then when I went to parties as a teen, I didn't over indulge, and I my parents gave us all rides home. I started pretty early, but I'm not an alcoholic, I wasn't a troubled teen, and I turned out to be a better person!

yah i was 17...got drunk like 2 times senior year...then when i was 18 in college i drank alot and then after that didnt drink too much until i was 21...

now im living in louisiana now and geez these kids start drinking around 14-15

Not me. All my life I was allowed a glass of wine, or a wine cooler on occasion. But at 18 when I started college is when I really learned how to tie one on. I actually drank less when I turned 21 because it wasn't a big deal anymore.

I know some really religious people who don't believe in drinking, but that's about it. I'm pretty sure that most of them have never had a drink in their lives.


drinking early is well...stupid? people only do it because its "ohhh dangerous and illegal" and they want to look "cool". It makes you throw-up and feel sick and is all around useless in accomplishing anything besides giving people an "excuse" to run over (and often murder) innocent people on the road

if you want to do it fine, but people who start drinking be4 the age of 15 are 50 times (no i didn't make that up, check it if you want) more likley to develop drinking problems as an adult.
Just thought you should kno...even tho i doubt it really will change anyone's mind

I personally don't know of anyone that has. LOL

I think it's a responsibility of parents to introduce their kids to alcohol and drinking responsibly. If everyone obeyed the law, there would be a lot more car accidents, blood alcohol poisoning, etc. from young people "who just couldn't wait to drink". I was introduced to wine when I was 8 years old. to me it's not a big deal. I stop when I feel the alcohol. I say "no more" so it doesn't become unhealthy. I love myself too much to get drunk. It breaks my heart to see my loved ones overindulging.

I am 51 years old, and I took my first drink (really) at 18 and it was legal then, we had to drink some kind of dark beer called 3-2 and when you turned 21 you got to drink light beer called 6-4.No kidding. Let's see that was back in1970 or 1971. that was also back when we smoked marijuana like it was nothing and know-one really bothered you not even the police,it was a different time, good times too. Thank you for reminding me of those days.

only the people who live a conservative, boring, christian lifestyle wait till there 21. they are too afraid to just live there life despite what people tell them to do. i think the legal drinking age should be 18 as that is when you are officaly an adult


I was 22. I didn't really start drinking socially till I was 23 or so, just had no desire whatsoever.


My wife did. She led a boring, socially deprived, and lonely life in high school, though.

Not that I would ever advocate underage drinking.

Why would you say somthing like that on the internet? You might go to jail you jerk!

people dont care about the law
they do it anyways,its not like the cops know

I think I might have done it once or twice beforehand, but that would've been when I was 20 already. I grew up in a teetotaler household, so I didn't get exposure to alcohol til after I started dating my current bf five years ago. But for the most part, I pretty much waited til I was 21 to really drink.

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