Have you tried Absinthe? Whats your opinon of it?!


Have you tried Absinthe? Whats your opinon of it?

I have tried it and I wasn't impressed. I did three shots and barely feel a tingle, why is it outlawed in the states?

Yes, I've drunk absinthe several times. The last time was in November at at tasting of several different brands of absinthe in London, where it was never banned. My favorite was Pernod 68

Absinthe is an aniseed flavoured spirit that is clear until water is added to it, when it turns milky.

Absinthe contains a number of herbs and spices, but the one that got it that reputation - most likely unfairly - is wormwood. Wormwood has an ingredient called thujone which has a structure similar to T.H.C. which is the active chemical in cannabis.

There is a tiny amount of wormwood - used for its bitter flavours - in Absinthe, and you'd have to drink an enormous amount of it to be affected. Bear in mind that absinthe has a very high alcohol content, around 70% alcohol (normal spirits are 40%), but that it is drunk with 6 -8 times as much water, thus diluting the alcohol and active ingredients.

You will ned to drink tremendous quantities to get any effect other than drunkeness.

However, it was made illegal in France, then the USA and some other countries because of fear that people were made mad by absinthe. The stories about the effect of the wormwood content were over exagerated. But there was tremendous consumption of absinthe in France and people certainly drank too much.

What does it do? Same as any other spirit. It makes you drunk if you have too much of it. Does it make you high? Well, it didn't affect me. I think you'd have to drink so much of it that you'd be drunk from its high alcohol content first

Does it still have wormwood in it? Yes of course. Bear in mind it wasn't made illegal in all countries and even though France made absinthe illegal and thus Pernod made a wormwood free replacement drink known as Pastis, Pernod continued to make real absinthe for export.

I'm not a lawyer but the absinthe merchants say that it is only illegal to SELL absinthe in the US, but legal to buy and consume it, and so companies like eabsinthe.com ship personal orders to the US and guarantee refund if a consignment is lost or seized.

This online merchant that will ship real absinthe to US customers from the UK - see http://www.eabsinthe.com

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It has no effect because they only make it with a much weaker strain of wormwood. Kind of like smoking hemp instead of weed. Basically the same plant but no active ingredient.

It's illegal because they don't want people making it the way they used to make it.

Yeah this stuff is overrated and tastes god awful. Nothing groovy or cool happens at all.

Its illegal to make it how it was used to make because it was an opiate...like heroin was in it...

They still make it that way in europe in some places..

well it depends where you go and drink it.

i live in new orleans and in the famous pirates alley they have a bar called pirates alley (yah original)

but they make it like this

they take a glass and put this cute little thing over the glass...they put a sugar cube on the thingy and pour the shot of absinthe over it...it goes into the cup...then they light the sugar cube on fire...it melts the sugar cube...when its almost melted they use the thingy as a spoon and stir in the remainging sugar cube then they add some water....

your supposed to sip it not do it as a shot...

now i didnt like it because i dont like black licorice and thats how it tastes...

now i dont know what kind of absinthe you were taking but the kind i had was 150 something or higher proof...it will knock you on your ***...

I liked it as an alcohol, it has a cold burn to it, and I don't mind the anise flavor. My bottle came from Mexico, and while I assured it contained wormwood, I have my doubts.

Absinthe is not legal to buy or sell here, but it is not illegal to possess or ingest. Modern absinthe is flavored with anise and contains no wormwood, which is a toxic hallucinagen, hence the "green fairy." Wormwood is illegal in the united states as it is a known poison.

If you're still interested in finding real absinthe, you can cross the border and go searching, but you might have more luck in Europe, where some people are still in possession of the spirit, which is no longer vivid green, but brown.

my sister tried it when she was in eastern europe. she definitely felt something. she said it felt like everything was sideways...whatever that means!!! :)

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