What is this liquor i drank in Germany?!
What is this liquor i drank in Germany?
It had a Purple top clear and came in all sizes. it wad i think a smily face kind athing on the label. Maybe it didn't. It Defenitly had a purple top though! Vague but does someone know?!
I think you might have had Kleiner Feigling Fig Vodka. It comes with a purple wax top like Makers Mark and it has two eyes on the label. You can buy it at Beverages & More. http://www.bevmo.com/productinfo.asp?sku...
It is pronounced "Fysling". I think you spell it Feigling. My friend from Germany brings it every time he comes over to visit. It has a black and bright green label I think, and is pretty sweet to drink. The purple top is usually shaped like a cap. Good to do shots out of! Anyhow they sell it in the states. We used to get it at a liquor store by IL Eastern college I think.