Is it alright for me to drink rum?!


Is it alright for me to drink rum?

Is it alright for me to drink rum even though I am only 11

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2 months ago
I am drinking rum at hr moment

2 months ago
I am drinking rum at hr moment

I think you deserve a serious answer and not a lecture.

At your age, your body is still developing, along with your brain. There are plenty of studies on the internet that will show you exactly what happens when you consume alcohol, or any drug for that matter, at such a young age.

It may seem fun at the time to "escape" from life's problems, but you're only given so many brain cells, and once they're gone, they're gone. They cannot be replaced. Then you have to deal with horrendous diseases like Altzheimers and Parkinsons. Maybe you should check those websites out as well.

I wish you all the best for a clean and sober future.

no not in this country you have to be 21 this is not Cuba

No there might be a problem so dont do it

Nope. Only a fool would drink rum when they were 11. Alcohol is bad for you, especially at your age, and you are breaking the law. I am really glad I was not so stupid when I was your age.

If you start drinkin now you will have a big problem by my age I just turned 21 you will be an alocholic.

do yr mom or dad let u drink rum?

depends. its probably best if you didn't.

if you're gonna start now, you should start with wine coolers or something..

hey its your life (and liver) not mine
just dont blame someone else about your drinking when youre older

You're 11? Wow! You are a rebel with some issues. I bet you wake up with a wicked hangover


Ya know what; I'm not your parent, however, my parents lost control of me at similar age. I drank, and did what ever I choose, I am a lesser person today because of it. I can't put it any plainer without preaching to you. If you have problems, please talk to someone you RESPECT, you respect them for a reason, they WILL want to help.

Stop immediately! I know you are sneaking around and I knew a boy the stole liquor from his drunken parents (both of them) and he spent most of his high school years in a rehab center. It will rob you of all the good things in life.

You dont seriously think anyones gonna say yes, do ya? Are you joking or just mentally impaired?

Im sure you already know the answer. Obiviously at your age you shouldn't be. Duh!!! Try doing something smart instead.

not realy your under age but if your dad or mum wishes you to try it then a smaal nip is okay but warning dont drink it at your age you may damage something and get into trouble

if i were you i would not, causes problems with age..please wait until you are 21, so you might can enjoy a few drinks.

uh NO!! are you stupid?!?! you have to be 21 you should not be drinking ANY alcohol at 11 years old, so stop!!

no no no no

Drinking is not cool at your age.

****! 11 ? wat the **** lol i didnt start drinking till i was 14

No, you are too young. You might get addicted to it and besides it tastes very bad. Try drinking some juice.

you are a naughty girl and im going to tell your mum

no it is not OK to start drinking at this age. you must be 21 in my state and if caught they will arrest you if you are underage.

why start drinking when you have your whole life ahead of you.

where the hell are your parents? NO IT'S NOT OK FOR YOU TO DRINK.....besides.....i think that your full of crap...sayin your only 11......given today's day and age and all the information out there on alcoholism.....YOU KNOW THAT YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DRINKIN....where are your parents?? Passed out drunk because they obviously dont give a rat's a ss what your doin in order for you to be able to get your hands on alcohol at your should be ashamed of yourself little girl!!

If you can get your hands on it at that age your a bloody legend, as long as it is Bundy it should be good

Too young for you to drink rum..

Nope. You shouldn't be drinking any alcoholic beverage at 11 or 12 or 13. Even when you're 21, be moderate. Alcohol is a drag, and will kill you.
Eat chocolate instead.

oh yes, you'll be in surgery by twelve!

NO Where are your parents. Drinking at any age is bad for you but more so when you are under age

ummm no? it's alright for you to drink capri sun. where are your parents?

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