Is this to much to drink.........?!


Is this to much to drink.........?

I love to have a beer here and there but since my pet caterpillar died I have been drinking about 5 beers each meal and I have some whiskey in my coffee and cereal. Do you think I drink to much, and what can I do to stop drinking.

First, find another caterpillar, preferably one that smokes a hookah and sits on a mushroom. Then eat lots and lots of both sides of the mushroom. Smoke some of the hookah, and you'll forget all about alcohol.

Why dont you stop pissing around and ask a proper question you idiot

Cut out the cereal,it will help with the drinking!

too much is not good

Just get a new Caterpillar, at least then you'll have a drinking buddy.

get another caterpillar

um yea! that is alot! u know how much u spend on all that
like thousands of dollars a year!

start drinking jucies and water and stuff

That is too much too drink but to stop drinking you could first try talking to family members and friends or think of happy things to help you.


Whiskey in your cereal? Okay, now you have a drinking problem. Get rid of the cereal.

oh yes...
you shouldn't have more than 2 beers in a week.
just set your mind to that you will stop drinking, and you can do it. trust me.
ask a family member/ a friend/ or someone close to you to help you with this change.

Yes, you are drinking too much. To control your drinking, do this...

For every beer drink one 8 ounce glass of water.
For every cup of coffee with whiskey drink one 8ounce glass of water.

I really do think you are pulling our leg...

Don't bother answering this attention-starved tramp's stupid questions. Check her account history and see what else she asks.

you could get a new pet cattepillar then it would be like a replacement.

burn one with me please!!!!!!!!!

I know your lying but, good joke.. so whats your real question? lol

its a catapillar
im sorry
but,get over it
you can get another one

Whiskey in cereal. Hmm, now that is something I haven't tried. I wonder what kinds of cereal work well with whiskey, and what the heck would you put Crown Royal in?

maybe u should think abt getting laid instead of mouring ur dead caterpillar

i know what you should do, get a life!

yes you are drinking too much, the best way to stop drinking you need to get rid of all alcohol out of the house and stop buying them

Um you need help if your that depressed over a caterpillar. I dont think your drinking too much but if it is everyday and out of control go to AA.

try heroin =) it relieves the pain.

Think the adverage for men is around 10 to 15 units of alcohol a week. I drink around 60 a week so your not that bad really.

it all depends on how many meals you eat, whiskey on cereal is not good, i knew a lady who put vodka on her cornflakes, she died at the age of 49 from septiceamia.

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