Why do different forms of alcohol affect me differently?!
Answers: When i drink Wine, I get real mellow and cool. When i drink Beer i become real lauphable and extremely funny. When i drink liquor, I get violent, crazy, and mean. And when i mix any of the three, i black out and i dont know what i do no matter how much i drink. Why do different forms of alcohol affect me different ways?
First of all, most beers have the lowest alcohol content, not wine as stated above. Light beers have a percentage around 4.7%, regular beers around 5%. Most wines come in at 9-14%, with the exception of something like Boone's Farm which is really low in alcohol. Liquor may vary from around 27% ( schnapps ) to as high as 75% or more (such as 151 rum). When you drink something with high alcohol content, such as straight liquor shots, the valve at the top of the stomach temporarily shuts. Therefore you don't feel it immediately, but the damage is already done, because it will open and let that alcohol in eventually. By the time you get the buzz, you've ingested too much. The intoxication can be very sudden and severe. This is why liquor can make some people get out of hand. Wine and beer don't cause this stomach reaction, so the buzz is quick and comes on smoothly. Wine's buzz is a little quicker than beer because of the slightly higher alcohol. The differences in behavior with different forms of beverages are not because of a different sort of intoxication, but rather the individual's reaction to the speed and intensity of the onset of intoxication.
it depends on the alcohol content and the strength of said alcohol. there isn't a whole lot of alcohol in wine. there's more in beer. and the highest count is in hard liquor. and then after that is said, it depends on your height, your weight, and your metabolism.
it is the alcohol content you need to concern yourself with.
wine is lower than beer and of course hard liquor is much higher and hence you get smashed quicker.
do not mix drinks because it does not agree with you.
simply stick to wine and it may be smooth sailing.
There are millions of people that are allergic to alcohol.
Each time alcohol enters the body it sets up what is called a phenomenon of craving that caused you to drink all you can get your hands on.
When you take a drink you may not be able to predict what will happen, whether you will have just one or drink yourself into oblivion.
These and blacking out are indications that you may be an alcoholic.
Perhaps if you look in the phone book under alcoholics anonymous you can talk to someone that can answer your questions and get help for you if you are an alcoholic.
This could be very serious and you should look into it immediately if you are worried.
It is not shameful, it is a medical condition.
Different alcohol levels some are 5.1 some are 6.1,6.1 is very high.
Ok, if you say it doesn't matter what sort of quantity you drink then you can assume its not the alcohol.
The alcohol it's self never changes, its the same in every alcoholic drink, its all the other chemicals in the drink that give you these varied effects.
Beer would be a health drink if it wasn't alcoholic, wines not to bad either especially red wine however most spirits typically aren't to good for you, I don't know the chemistry involved but its probably from the oils in the timbre from which they get their flavour.
If its a clear spirit it will probably have a lesser effect.
Ok you have no tolerance for mixing, its a common issue for people. You know how they say don't mix the grain and grape for example? Well obviously if you mix wine with whiskey you're gonna be on your a$$. However there is a cure!
You need to slowly build up a tolerance to mixing over a number of weeks and possibly even months to be able to mix anything you want whenever you want. I suggest start by building up a tolerance for beer then during the course of 3 or 4 beers have a single shot of spirit (mix it, have it straight whatever)
You may feel the need to lie down and sleep, DO NOT LET YOURSELF SLEEP! Through the dizziness stay on your feet and try to very carefully walk around. If you can accomplish this and have another shot of spirit then your journey has begun =D as the weeks pass vary the drinks you mix, so maybe keep changing spirits. The final test is wine and cider.. these two are brutal to mix with either beer or spirits and to be honest why bother with either? But if you really want supreme tolerance use the same technique and eventually you should be able to mix all three with no more ill effect than if you were drinking one.
p.s. I find that rum and only dark spirits in general make me confrontational.. maybe you're the same?
It's down to all number of things!
The way the alcohol is made, the %, how you drink it.
You shouldn't mix your drinks anyway and if you do there are a few rules you should follow...
Never mix grape and grain (wine and beer) spirits should always follow beer/wine. Mixing spirits is never a good idea, which is why people always get twatted on cocktails!
I pretty much know what affects me and how, vodka makes me forget everything that happened, wine makes me stupid, beer gives me a really bad headace in the morning.
There are different forms of alcohol. Such as Fusel alcohols which seems more common in hard liquors that then get distilled. They're also in poorly made beers.
Other than that and the obvious alcohol content that everyone else has listed, it may just be how you're drinking it.
If you're drinking wine, you're probably sipping it with dinner or at a chill party that has cheese and other food. Opposed to slamming a few shots of jack daniels at a local bar on an empty stomach, or drinking a few pints of beer at a buddy's house with chips and pizza. Not just the intake but the environment might dictate how you handle yourself.