Could I have a drinking prob???..........?!


Could I have a drinking prob???..........?

For the past year or so I've been going to bars more offten. I would say at least 5 times per month. Well lately, I would say the past two months I've been going every weekend. I didnt go this past weekend, and I've had this headache since Sunday and I keep craving a beer. Im not the kinda of person that goes out and gets falling down drunk. Thats not me!! What do you think???

well if it is alot of what you think about then yes.

You don't necessarily have to drink alot to have a drinking problem.

remember a problem is anything that bothers you.

So you are bothered by the fact that you might have a drinking problem.

My advice still drink just limit yourself a little more say every other weekend.

Oh and for the craving try carrot or grapefruit juice.

hope this helps.

Just keep an eye on it, it's hard to say for such a short time.

u just need a new hobby

you have a drinking problem or maybe a sex problem

Drink up! I'll save you a spot in the gutter, next to me.

Nope. Your fine, believe me. I've been drinking every day for 26 years.

probably... if you were in england, 5 times a month is nothing!!! just take care ok?

Stress...Something happen in your family??...if not it has to be a phase

Sounds like you're dangerously close. I've known a number of functioning alcoholics. Please be careful.

How old are you? This is typical for a college aged guy. For someone older, probably not. Could just be a phase. Keep an eye on it though.

Could be that your body has developed a need for alcohol and without it, you will go through withdrawal. Alcohol is a drug and going without causes your body to "rebel" so you'll give it what it wants.
An alcohol problem doesn't mean you get falling down drunk (at least not yet), but it sounds like you do have a mild addiction to it.
Do something about it now, because if you keep this up within a year or so it could end up controlling your life and causing real problems for you.

I'm not sure about that kind of dependence....but I did hear of this one man, who use to have just one beer everyday. Well, he had to go into the hospital for an operation. He told his doctor that he had to have a beer-and explained that he had to have that one beer a day...the doctor wouldn't allow it. He did't believe the man was an alcoholic, since it was only one beer a day. Well, the man went into bad DTs...and they let him have 'one' beer, because of the situation. So, its possible.

If you are drinking excessively every time you go then, yes you have a drinking problem. If you just go to the bars to get out then no. There is nothing wrong with craving a beer. It's like craving a Coke.

It's not really the beer you are craving it's the sugars that are in beer. If you drink regularly like you say you have then its the sugar. Try eating something sweet or drink a glass of O.J. it helps.

It sounds like you could, but are you getting drunk, and doing bad things when (if) you do? If you are getting mad when you are drunk, like some do, then it could be a problem. I would suggest cooling down on the drinks and really try to resist.

Honey, if you think you might have a problem, then don't drink. I personally see no problem in a beer or 2 after work, or even a mixed drink at the bar. It's a personal choice only you can make.

I think you probably are answering your own question.

Would you have even asked that question if you didn't think you had a problem?

If you had a drinking problem, a headache would not stop you from going to the bar.

You sound like the normal, every day lush like the rest of us!


Don't be too hard on yourself. If you are craving it it is probably your body is used to it every weekend. Lots of us are addicted to nicotine, caffeine or some other vice. I think as long as you are not driving after drinking and it does not stop you form living a healthy productive life then you are not an alcoholic. If it interferes with your daily living and you begin to withdraw from responsibility and life, then go get help. Hope this helps.

If you're asking this question then on some level you know you have a problem but haven't admitted it to yourself. But you know what, it's not as bad as you think, you've caught it early before there are too many harmful consquenses. Call a local AA club, there are tons of them. They know what you are gong through. The first step is admitting it, the second is getting help. I had a problem with drinking and it took me a couple of times to realize it and once I got help I never felt better. I do drink but it's about once every 3 months and it's almost never more then 2 beers at most. Getting help doesn't mean that you have to give it up forever. Cutting back or stopping for a while is sometimes all you need. Good luck, and hang in there.

I don't think you have a drinking problem at all. What you have is a lack of a social life. Find some friends you can get together with and have fun without drinking at all or at least only having a couple.If you keep hanging out with drunks you will eventually become one.

I found an article and I hope that it helps. Take care

My test: if when you control it you have no fun and when you are having fun you are out out of control - then you have a problem.

How often or how much you drink does not determine if you have a problem....

Here is another way of looking at it...
People who drink normally never ask themselves "could I have a drinking problem"

Just some food for thought.

Everyone has "cravings", sometimes for something we haven't had in a long time and sometimes for something we are used to having and then haven't had in a while. Beer or alcohol is a touchy ground, because some people can drink a six pack or more a day and still be able to function properly. (aka an alcoholic) And then some of us just have a couple of drinks and don't want one again for months.

I'd say that according to what you've stated, you could be on the verge of starting something seriously hazardous to your health. A drinking problem is one thing. Alcoholism is not something to take lightly. Hold off for a while and see what happens, or limit yourself to one or two on occasion, that way you're not "depriving" yourself and therefore making the situation worse.

hope this helped without sounding too motherly!

it does grow on you. then if you have some bad times you do it more. then it becomes a habit you can't get rid of.

Hell ,I used to drink every weekend then everyday. Drinking becomes a problem when you don't behave yourself,get into fights,or blow all your money on booze. Craving a beer is normal when you drink. As for me, I like my beer straight out of the ice chest that has been icing down for 3 hours. Delightful......

You do not seem too. The headache thing may have just been a coincidence. People who have drinking problems tend to drink a lot more than you say you do and it also seems to get in the way of other activites eg work family etc. Do not worry that you may have a dependence on alcohol, because it doesnt just come on the weekends. You seem to have it under control but it never hurts to question yourself from time to time.

Getting falling down drunk is never good. Drinking in excess for any reason is a problem and you should think about that. Of course it sounds like you are smart enough to be able to know that...I wish you luck.

i have genuine concern for you and think you need to get help before you get to the falling down drunk stage. do it for your family and friends and do it for yourself.

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