What do you like the most wine or beer?!


What do you like the most wine or beer?

I never liked beer... and as far as wine goes, never been much of a drinker until I went to Italy and my mom made me try it. Now I love it, and went to school in Sonoma. I love a glass of wine with a nice dinner.


beer wine is to kinky

Wine is frickin nasty. Yes, I've tried the "good" stuff, and it ain't good. Beer is good...well, some beer is good. In fact, I'll be right back. I've got to grab something cold really quick.

I would have to say wine...there is more alcohol by volume.....but lately beer tastes better if you chew sugarless gum while drinking

For me it depends on what Im eating or doing at the time. Just relaxing outdoors or eating pretzels or Mex Tex then it has to be a real cold brewski. If Im having a real tasty entre then wine is the way to complement the meal.

Wine. I don't like beer at all. I only like white wine but I love that!

I'd have to go with wine on this one

Wine if i'm with my lady, Beer when i'm with the guys.

I like both I usually only have wine in the house though, the quanities out aren't big enough.
Beer and wine both very nice, it depends what mood Im in.


Wine - White Zinfandel to be exact!
But I guess that's because I'm female. If I had have been a bloke I would have said beer!

There is a time for every purpose under heaven so beer when its a warm day when I'm thirsty and wine with a nice lunch or dinner..

red wine bought directly from the cellar in Italy...........at least that way you can be sure it's made of grapes!!!!!

Italian red wine!

Italian red
Australian Chardonnay

As I have a raging hangover at the moment after a beer then wine sesssion last night, I would have to say that I like both the same on the night of drinking and hate both with a passion the following day....... Where the headache tablets....?????

draft beer!


Wine. It's more mild and safer than beer.

Neither. Apple Cider, like Srongbow is much nicer and slightly cheaper.

Wine because the culture in it releases the flavor of whatever you are eating with it! It actually complements the meal literally!

Wine...although it gives you WICKED hangovers.

Pint for the gentleman.

Glass of wine or fruit based drink for the lady!

Got to be red wine if you find a good one (blossom hill soft and fruity) you only need to pee all the time drinking beer.


wine without a doubt.but if i didnt have any then i would have out!!

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