Whats worst for your health Drinking....?!

Question: A. two litre bottle of coke a day.
B. 4 beers a day. (Eq. 3Pints) 4%ABV.

Answers: A. two litre bottle of coke a day.
B. 4 beers a day. (Eq. 3Pints) 4%ABV.

You know, I was about to pass this over until I saw someone claiming to be a health teacher saying the coke was better.
<stepping on to soapbox>

Ahem. Coke contains lots of sugar (about 27g/16oz bottle), phosphoric acid, high fructose corn syrup, caramel, color, natural flavors, and caffeine. The US is under the spell of HFCS and it's killing us. Try and find something w/o HFCS in it and you'll be amazed. HFCS is nothing but hidden calories your body doesn't know what to do with so it stores it as fat. Someone may return with 'just look at all the beer guts out there', it may be true but the gut comes from poor eating habits and not beer. Phosphoric Acid what is it? A C I D and has been linked to lower bone density in women. Beer on the other hand has been linked to many health benefits including lower risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Beer is natural. Barley. hops, water, yeast.....sometimes fruit, sometimes wheat but I have never seen phosphoric acid or HFCS in a beer. European Monks drank beer during fasting because it contained essential nutrients to keep the body going. Beer was drank during the dark ages because it was healthier than the water.

I think a big misconception about beer has been produced by the large brewers themselves. "Swill it down as fast as you can and you'll be popular, sexy, and hot chicks will adore you!". I think it's a travesty. Remember - moderation!

I would (and will since I brew my own and can control the alcohol content) rather have my sons drink a good beer than a soda any day of the week.
<off soapbox>
Thanks for your time and respect beer!

For your overall health i would say drinking the beer would be better.

2 litres of coke, for sure. A few pints a day is ok i reckon. but the people who swig coke all day are always fat.

man thats hard to say.... you could get kidney stones from that much soda a day, or you could become an alcoholic from drinking everyday.... I hear kidney stones really hurt tho..

In the 2 litres amount I'm not sure, but in case of 0.5l coke vs. 0.5l beer, I'm sure the beer is healthier.

the coke... it has more sugar than the beer...but they have a/b the same amt of carbs and fats so either way you go your screwed...personally i'd rather drink the beer than the coke.

its better to drink beer

Both are bad however i would say in moderation B the beer

Soda is FAR worse than beer.
Beer has SO MANY heath benefits.
Coke has ZERO.

and drinking 4 beers a day does not make you an alcoholic...
...ignorance abounds in the world of drinks.

You should not drink coke at all. Beer is OK in moderation. How you define moderation depends on your gender, weight, age, health status and type of activity. 1 pint is OK for almost anybody, 3 pints could still be OK for a healthy large male.

The 2 liters of coke.

Soda is bar-none one of the worst things people regularly drink/consume.

Corrodes your teeth.
Super high in sugar.
Loaded with preservatives.
No nutritional value.
Diet soda (or food) with Aspartame has been linked as a cancer causing agent.

4 beers may be pushing the daily amount but I still think it's better for you than the soda. Even if it had some of the cons of soda it still has nutritional value and general health benefits be them mental or physical.

I'm pretty sure if you drink 4 beers a day you are considered an alcoholic.

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