Your opinion please?!


Your opinion please?

what is your opinion on alcohol? positive opinons preffered please, i'v all ready done the negatives (thats quite easy)

sorry cannot think of positives.

gives you a chance to sleep with someone and call it a mistake the next day so that they're not strings attached to it.

laughable when some drink

everyone looks better
you love everyone
its social
its a good present
it tastes good
and it gets u drunk! x


One glass of red wine per day is good for the cardiovascular system. Coming down to the bar, shooting some pool and having a few drinks and calming down will keep you from going home and strangling your nagging wife to death. Hot toddys can help kill off a cold, given they are made and taken correctly.

I really enjoy a drink especially with dear friends. I never say NO to a glass or 2,lol of champagne and a good red-wine protects your heart!

Gives u confidence to make the first move but again its proberly on the dance floor in a club while doing the robot and funky chicken dance moves haha

its good,,,,,,,,,,but in limits

Some people need a night out to unwind. It is socially acceptable to have a few drinks and relax. As long as it is not a everyday occurance and you drink responsibly there is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

Alcohol is a good way to relax and socialise if used resposibily. It helps breakdown barriers and can be quite enjoyable. It is a nice way to chill out after a hard week, also dulls the sences a little and makes things seem a little better. Resposible intake of Alcohol is fine in fact I think in some instances even good for you, dont they say one small glass of Red wine a day is good for you? Alcohol is also good for me as I run a pub.... so it pays for my holidays and lifestyle! Ha ha!!

I hate it when people say they drink to get drunk and that being the positive. For me, I only drink alcohol where I like the taste. I also think that some food is better with a glass of wine or bottle of beer. For example, cheese tastes so much better with some port! Finally, it helps me to relax after a stressful day.

just celebrated my 32 years of marige. happily. i think. i drink every day, beer & rum. sometimes too much. wife doesn't drink. does that answer your question?

It helps shy people become a bit more sociable. Its easier to talk to people you dont really know. Makes you want to dance, when you may never dance when sober...

Relaxes me.

Red wine good for the heart - in moderation.

Tastes nice!!!!!!

Helps me sleep

Makes me feel better if had bad day - helps me forget!!!

well, they say that a glass of wine a day fends off heart disease, i just go over the limit sometimes. it gives me confidence because i am shy and it cheers me up when i am depressed. i associate it with good times because on the holidays my family likes to make mixed drinks like chocolate martinis and pina colada. i dont know if they have all those crazy drinks over in the uk, but in the u.s. we have martini bars which are like pubs but they make hundrds of different drinks and they are expensive, and they dont taste like alcohol , but, man, they sneak up on u really fast and knock u on your butt if u have too many. we also do shooters(shots) and we have jello shots which are made with vodka instead of water, i think the british would call them jelly shots, and they are made in small cups and u just slide them down, they can get u drunk really quickly.

I dont see the problem with it, as long as u dont go to over board, im always gettin nagged by me mum and dad bout how much i drink, but i neva listen. i get steaming every weekend and a couple of times through the week, as long as u dont turn into a nasty t**t, then i really carnt see a problem.

My opinion is that it is great!

Wine is such a wonderful thing to go will white wine with seafood...

BEER helping ugly people get laid for years

For all you holy rolling Bible-Bangers who come on here and bash alcohol, get lost. Nobody wants your phony opinions.

Alcohol lets you relax and have a good time be it hanging with friends, watching the game, listening to music ect.

I LOVE grog!!! it helps you relax... when i drink i don't care about anything...which is become more confident and helps you wth ppl that are its great definatley you should drink it...even if ya underage...who really cares!!!

Great stuff! Just don't refer to people as alcoholics though, they prefer to be known as Soberphobics!

Very nice to imbibe and very healthy but only in moderation. Wine is anti cancer, anti diabetes and makes your heart and circulation better, prevents strokes. These are all documented FACTS! Enjoy!

Sets your inhibitions at very low levels. You like the taste; it is a social leveller when oot with your mates; when enough is drunk both blokes and lasses get the "Beer Goggle" syndrome so your chances of getting a lumber might improve.

Also after an exceptionally large one the following morning the "clear out" is always much more satisfying. Not only that but your choice of breakfast munchies is broader.

Plenty more but that should do you

In moderation it relieves stress, helps you to relax, and is a great accompaniment to meals

* It relaxes you

* It makes you feel more attractive

* Gives you confidence

* If you see one fit lad / girl, suddenly it will turn into two!

* You may go in a pub / club and it's full of mingers, through beer goggles everyone looks gorgeous!

* Everything is sooooo funny!

* You can tell people what you really think of them and the next morning you can deny it (depending how drunk they were) or apologise saying you thought they were someone else (depending how drunk you were). Or better then that you are so drunk they don't understand you because you are slurring.

* You can do silly things that will all be forgotten about in the morning

* You get to play the great game of - Where have I been? Searching through your wallett / bag for clues, like entry cards, stamps on your hand, bus tickets, taxi receipts, etc.

* You can sleep with someone then say it was a mistake = 1 night stand

* Serious side - apparently a glass of red wine a day is good for you. Example - French live longer!

* Serious Side - Guiness is full of iron = good for you

There are loads!!!

win or lose hit the booze.......lifes too it as you wish....never be dictated too.

good for cooking with and complementing with your meal ,a good source of iron if you drink Guinness

1. you forget your problems
2. think that every girl/guy in the room is good looking
3. you feel like your the coolest guy/girl
4. you feel happier than usual
5. you get to bond with your friends ot whoever you're drinking with
6. you feel invincible

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