Cannabis (or any other recreational Drug)?!


Cannabis (or any other recreational Drug)?

can i have your opinions on cannabis please? (positive answers preffered)

As you can see by my name, I have quite a lot of experience IN THE PAST about this, however I do NOT recommend it. There is really nothing positive about it. I do not think that it is dangerous unless you are driving or at work, but after a lot of years doing pot, I gained nothing from it except wasting tons of money. I have been Clean and Sober for over 8 years, and NO I am NOT a Holier than Thou type either.

I love it, it just makes me slow the day after.

love it. not had a bad experiance with it.

cooking with it is good fun too.

legalize IT

I dont think there is anything wrong with smoking cannabis.

i think its great, gonna be sparkin up 2nite when i get home from work!i think it stinks that the gov are makin such a great effort to get rid of it, why cant they put as much effort into housing our homless or providing proper hospital an elderly care!

i love it, i recently had 3 weeks off to recover from an operation and it was great, i smoked myself silly on some lovely bud.

i smoke it everyday after work and at weekends, free the weed.

its better for you than booze and doesn't make you have fights at chucking out time.

Well sorry to the anti-drugs brigade, but I happen to love it!!

Nothing better than lighting up a big fat one after a long hard day at work. Plus it improves music, food and sex so what more could you ask for!

But like the first person said, it can make you a little slow the next day. That's my only problem with it.

love it!!

One word "moderation". Just like alcohol, it's okay in moderation, just use it responsibly.

Sorry to be a party pooper guy! My brother smoked it for about a year off and on and it gave him mental health issues. He couldn't work and stopped seeing his family and friends. He changed his whole life and just got dragged down. Sadly the doctor was going to section him but before we could get help he killed his self in the Thames.
He had everything but cannabis took it away. I no some people can handle it but though research I have found that if you have a in chemical balance of the brain it affects you badly and until you smoke it you don't no. Its a bit like Russian roulette.
Just be aware that it doesn't lead on to other things when your body gets use to it and you need more!!!
Hope that helps knowledge is a good thing after all .

I've never used it and never will. I have too much intelligence for that type of thing.

Good as long as it's treated as a recreational drug (like booze). If you find yourself sparking up habitually (eg when you get up) then it can start to screw up your life a bit - nothing really serious, but the downside (for me) is that it makes me real lazy. Like i say, save it for the evenings when you're kicking back.

Al few years back I was a heavily weed smoker, now I don't touch the stuff, purely because it made me so god dam lazy.

Yes it kills a few brain cells, as does hard drugs & alcohol.

I personally don't find anything wrong with smoking it.

It's a personal choice, it you wanna get high, go get high! If you don't, don't smoke it! simple as that!

Wicked, havin a few nice s***ff's @ night helps u sleep lik a baby, and u jus laugh at everything......

Depends on the frequency of use. If you smoke once a week to just unwind and relax the detrimental long-term effects will not be as profound.

However if you start smoking cannabis every day - then i have seen it in my friends, makes you extremely dopey, slow and lazy.

I'm not a fan of drugs, so I don't have my favorite. I tried weed a few times, but it didn't have any positive/negative effects on me. I can have a few smokes, but that's about it. Actually, it's fun because it's illegal, but it's not my thing. I prefer alcohol!

i've been doing it for about a decade, and it did not make me crazy or lead to harder stuff because of it, despite what the PSA's tell us. I also don't see how w plant you have to put through no processes to use is not legal, while alcohol in sooo many ways is legal.

If you like to get depression, paranoia, even more severe mental problems and the munchies then go right ahead!

check out my 360 page, you will see that I like it.
Im 42, have smoked "green" since I was 18. There have not been many days when I have not smoked, perhaps family get togethers, etc, holidays, however, I dont drink at all, never have, dont like it, so at the end of the day when I get home from work I have a nice cup of tea, and a few "spliffs" and thats my day over and done with. All my stress and strains of the day just fade away. I have a very very demanding job, I organise a workforce of 20, have worked for many VIP's and a UAE royal family and I can honestly say that smoking has never made me anything other than relaxed.

It is more of a social activity than binge boozing. Never seen any trouble at a blues party. Impressionist painting would be the poorer without it & we would be bereft of many great tunes.
It should be legalised but the Government have too many fingers in the drinks industry & would lose money. Not to mention the herbal properties that help certain medical conditions.

yes please !!!!!!!!!!!!!.............. ;)

Can anybody say 420?

I love it but it can be bad if you focus your entire life around it. As long as you have your priorities straight and your job, family, bills, and other important things come first, I think it can be great to just sit, spark up a fat one and relax. Happy 420!!!!

well it doesnt seem too bad. i can't see any detrimental effects on it if its good stuff but ive had a bit that was a little bit dodgy and a threw up 12 times. dnt do it any more though. just seems like a waste of money because its similar to being drunk but its illegal, isnt enjoyable while doing it and is more expensive.

I've been smoking good herb for 35 years and I ain't dead yet!
Party on Garth!

I love it,my bf and i have one every night between us and a bit more at the weekend,really relaxes me and we dont start rowing or hitting each other like some boozers.The papers have highlighted a few cases lately where theyve linked cannabis smoking to some of the more violent crimes like a murder and gbh but i think thats sh1t,ive never had a cross word with anyone after a doobie,far from it. Live and let live i say.

i work every night and when i come home theres nothing i want more than a fat spliff,it chills me out and i never get a hang over from it,i love weed, they should legalise it every one i know smokes it.

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