How can i get gas in a beer?!
Answers: Im making a beer, with a receipe i found in te web, but it doesnt show how to get the beer to have gas, carbonization [i think thats the name], if somebody knows a easy way to do it, that would be awsome, sorry for the broken english but im costa rican lol
You need to "prime" the beers when you bottle it after fermentation is complete. Generally you use a solution of about 3/4 cup of sugar to a 5 gallon batch. The residual yeast will eat up this sugar in the bottle and create small amounts of carbonation (2.2-2.4 CO2 volumes if you want to get technical). This process usually takes 2-3 weeks in the bottles.
If you invest in further equipment though you can bypass this stage by getting a kegging set-up and then you can do what is called "force carbonation" in which you just blast CO2 in to the liquid with a C02 gas canister.
the gaz will come after you ad some sugar before you bottle it..
the yeast will eat the sugar and this will give "alcool + CO2 . Do not put more than 1 teaspoon of sugar /bottle, because the bottle will explode.. this should be mentioned in the recipe..