How much alcohol do you think i can handle?!


How much alcohol do you think i can handle?

i'm about 5'7'' and 110 pounds, i'm not anorexic that's just the way god made me plus i have quite a fast metabolism. the first time i drank, i had just eaten a hefty meal and i had gotten a pretty good buzz off three beers drinken in over the course of about two hours.

so how many beers altogether do you think it would take for me to get drunk? how many beers before i end up kissing the toilet? (by the way i intend on avoiding toilet kissing the next time i go to a party, so i just want to know)

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2 months ago
i'm not saying that i want to get drunk and i certainly wanna avoid getting sick, so i just wanna know my approximate limits ok? so your comments telling me to stop drinking or whatever are not helpful.

2 months ago
oh yeah, i prefer to nurse my drinks, i'm NOT a chugger

2 months ago
i'm not saying that i want to get drunk and i certainly wanna avoid getting sick, so i just wanna know my approximate limits ok? so your comments telling me to stop drinking or whatever are not helpful.

2 months ago
oh yeah, i prefer to nurse my drinks, i'm NOT a chugger

Given your height and weight and your previous experience with alcohol here is my guess:

If you eat before hand, I would guess you could handle about 5 beers thought a period of about 3-4 hours; that would probably make you pretty drunk.

If you don't eat before hand, I would you could handle about 3-4 beers over the same amount of time.

You could use the rule of thumb of 1 beer per hour.

If you want to avoid praying to the porcelain god, slow your roll to 1 beer every 2 hours.

Liquor will obliviously get your drunk quicker but you would drink much less, probably 2-3 shots and you’d be good.

Have fun, and DON'T DRIVE! Drink one for me!

I'm an alcohlic :)

How about 1 beer with your pizza and calling it quits!

Why do you want to get drunk? Anyhow having one or two should be your limit.

if you chug them all down really fast then three my be your limit but if you take your time you might handle 4 or so.

Don't be stupid. Just have one or two drinks over the course of an evening. Your body and your brain will thank you.

Most people can tell when they are at their limit with alcohol, some just choose to ignore it and drink until they puke (bad idea). If you just take your time, you'll know when you need to quit.

Huh! 3 beers in two hours with a pretty good buzz on a full stomach? Well, I think you would be drunk if you drank 3 beers in one (1) hour then. Then, just nurse about a beer an hour for the rest of the night.

Shame! I have to slam 3 beers just to let my stomach know I'm getting ready to drink!!

1 six pack beer or 1/2 pint liquer or 1 fifth wine

if you are german probably much more!!

It's possible to drink 4 beers in 1 hr. I wouldn't. To eat is good, before drinking . Don't mix . just beer. 2 in a hr for 3 hrs. = 6 no more than 8. Don't drive. GOD BLESS

With your weight I don't think you could handle much. i think after about 4 you would be drunk and 6 would be too much. That is if your drinking fast. Try shots. By three you'll feel good. I weigh about the same.

If you got a really good buz off of 3 beers, then I would say that 4 would probably make you drunk - and that's if you've actually eaten something hefty. If you haven't had much to eat, then I think 3 beers would be your max.

until you pass out and dnt remember anything

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