Is it okay to have a couple of drinks at 16?!


Is it okay to have a couple of drinks at 16?

I am 16.I like to drink.Not till the moment I get drunk, but eg. a beer when I go out with my friends.My parents do not understand.I tried to explai, but they just don't get it....Now, they don't want to let me out anymore.How can I explain that the world isn't going to come down if I have a beer?

2beagle needs to lighten up. First off he asked about having a couple beers, not going out and driving drunk. That is the one thing I hate more than anything, when people immediately jump from drinking to drunk driving.

First off, health wise is it going to hurt you to have a few beers? No. If you make a habit everyday though, you are going to run into problems. Drinking too much though is going to kill off brain cells, you will probably gain weight from all of the carbs, experience a lack of motivation, you could develop a condition known as cirrhosis of the liver, experience heart problems, etc.

I am still in college and that is the way my parents were with me and a lot of my friends. A lot of kids when they first got into college just wanted to get drunk and rebel against their parents because they had been stifled for the past 18 or so years of their life...which is not the right response to the situation. Don't drink just to get back at your parents.

If I were you, I would probably listen to my parents. It is important to develop a trusting relationship with them and you agreeing to their 'rules' is one way to accomplish that. You will have plenty of years ahead of you to drink. Wait until you get into college or until you turn 21. You probably won't like hearing this again and it is probably the same response your parents gave you, but it is also against the law to drink at that age anyway. I was caught holding a bottle of alcohol and paid a stiff price for it, not to mention having to go to a minor alcohol awareness class. Hope this helps.

yah why not i dont care

If your parents say no, then it's not OK.

Do you know anyone who got arrested for underage drinking? Come on.. You're 16, not 5. You know it's illegal. You're not being very responsible. Why not talk to a family member of someone who got killed by a drunk driver. Maybe then you'll sober up.

No its not o.k. to drink at your age. 21 is the legal drinking age. Besides it will lead to bigger things. focus your energy on something more positive that will benefit you in the future.

It's not really OK to have a couple of drinks at any age, since age doesn't actually come with a super-enhanced Alchohol resistance. But if you enjoy 1 or 2 now and then, it's not really that big of a deal, and it won't really have as awful of side effects right away. Just don't overdo it.

I think they might be concerned that you will turn into one of the many people that adults see as the "It could be my child cantidate" in a bad way. For instance, they might think that soon, you'll move away from "Just a few" and become a teenage drunk, like the ones you always hear about dying on the news. They might never move from that position, though, so it may be a useless cause to try and deter their way of looking at things.

Also, it's illegal, but we won't get into that.

no that is why the legal drinking age is 21 and not 16!

Nope. Drinking that young can have big effects on your brain.

Respect their wishes
You screw up and they pay.
You can't really trust your friends as teenagers.
Too many times the dork, like you, got slipped a Micky fin.

It's illegal for you to drink in the USA. Your parents are being responsible adults. You are being an irresponsible teen. Don't be surprised if you end up in a rehab hospital before you get your drivers license.

How do you "go out with your friends and have a drink" if you're under 21? Respect their wishes, they provide for you. I drank @ your age against my mom's wishes and it just created stress, plus you'll have plenty of time to drink once you graduate HS if you really want to. Just decide, would you rather go out with your friends and not have a beer or stay home with the rents and not have a beer. Don't be in a hurry to grow up. And actually the human brain doesn't fully develop until about age 25, so hold on to all the brain cells you have while you can.

Try your hardest to give up, it is a very bad habit to drink starting from your age. Some belevie it is ok to drink, but in MODERATION! And that is when you are a fully grown adult!!!

yeah if u want 2 have fun...

it's absolutely NOT ok for you to drink at 16. They made the legal drinking age 21 for a reason. Your parents know what's best for you and you should listen to them even if you don't like what they have to say. They could be saving your life! are 16....go do your homework....and dont make mistakes ok?

In the US this is clearly against the law. But mainly for cultural reasons. Americans appear to want to drink *all* the alcohol when they get a chance.

In many/most other countries it is legal to drink at that age. It is still illegal to be drunk and do a bunch of things. But it is clearly legal to drink. In most other countries, there is less cultural binge drinking. Alcohol is a moderate beverage. There is, of course, alcoholism and binge drinking, but it is not as rampant amongst youth.

But... and this is important. It is better for you, seriously, if you and your parents get along. You could get all pissy and make this the thing that breaks the bonds between you and your parents. But, ultimately it is you that suffers. You have a long life ahead of you, that you will be in total control of. Play the game for awhile. Enjoy your youth, but stay in your parent's good graces. Don't argue, you don't need to win right now. Ultimately you win for the rest of your life. You do not need to get them on your side. And you do not need to be on their side, but for awhile just don't fret.

Good luck to you.

Actually your parents understand what you do not . .
Your world could veryyyy easily "come down" when you end up with an STD or baby .
What people call young girls who drink . . . is a parent .
Although the guys just call them "lunch" .
It is not your fault , all teen girls are naive and clueless about the adult world ,
But the deal is this , for every teen girl drinking , there are at least 2 doz men looking for a fast one nighter , booty call , whatever the current social term.
Once a girl is imbibing they are are super easy mark and your chances of getting sexually assaulted are very high ( and getting some nasty STDs along with a baby )
You can not understand your parents because you are big world ignorant , but they are keeping you from learning 'from experience' .
If they succeed , you will learn from friends and news stories what happens to baby girls who do dumb stuff like drinking away from home .

But you can defy them and end up a welfare or disease statistic if you really want . . .
Just don't waste anybody's time with a sob story after you are infected .

i think its ok 16 is the legal age in some countrys

Why would you tell them?!
Anyways, yes...just don't get wasted every night.

Yeah it is I was dirnking in pubs age 13

you can drink to much.get drunk and end up doing thins you'll regret...well you can do that at any age.i don't think you should drink at any age but to many things can happen and your parents can be blamed for it b/c you are a minor

if it's not your parents giving it to you then no it's illegal, you are breaking the law and could be fined and/or arrested and even get your driver's license taken away.

when i was 13 i enjoyed "just having a beer" while being out with my friend, eventually it turned into having 3, and so on and so forth...i wound up needing to seek help for developing a drinking problem... as much as i like to drink now, i am 21 and i know my i dont think trying to explain to your parents that having a beer wont kill you, but it WILL impare your judgement and can cause big problems. i give your parents thumbs up in this'll have plenty of time to drink after you're legal...

you don't explain it. if your parents know you drink, then you are either not sneaky enough or too naive to realize that you can't be completely honest with your parents and party too. it's not a big deal to drink at that age until you become sexually active as well and then someone knocks you up cause you were too wasted at a party. try explaining that to your folks.

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