What are the effects of mixing energy drinks with alcohol?!
Answers: I'm pretty new to drinking and I've been drinking lots of Bacardi lately and I saw one of my girlfriends mixing her parrot bay with red bull. What exactly happens? is it just for the taste or what?
I answered a question about this early but will repeat myself lol
All it does is amp you up a bit and because the sugar and chemicals make your heart pump faster the blood will go to your brain quicker and you'll get intoxicated more efficiently off the same amount of alcohol
As long as you don't do what my mate did and have 9 red bull vodkas after a big drinking session you should be sweet lol
The hangovers are worse though.. you can guarantee that. Enjoy!
Very Bad.
lol yes, people mix "uppers" and "downers" a lot; not too much happens. i like to think they balance each other out.
just for the taste i think...ive drank a lot of energy drink/alcohol mixes..A LOT..and its never affected my drunkness..nor does it give me more energy :(
yummy nothing really happens but it tastes good
well energy drinks thin your blood allowing the alchol to take effect quicker. just know your limits as a girl you have added consequences such as havin one too many and hookin up with that ugly guy. haha seen it at the bars. but try a vod and bull. please not too many it will end up with you getting taken out of the bar for blowin chunks on the tender. a buzz beats a ticket
An upper with a downer? I'd say a "Trainwreck".
I think it can be bad for your heart. I mean anything that you abuse can kill you I guess. The caffeine and stimulants in the energy drinks will speed up your heart, like drinking a ton of coffee.
Personally, the worse effect I've ever had is a really bad hangover. I know what the taurine hangover feels like. Also, you can pass out and wake up way early feeling like crap, but you can't sleep it off. Sometimes the red bull hurts you more than alcohol.
I did do a stint of a dozen or so vodka red bulls at the blackjack table in Vegas. I played from 3am to 10am. I also smoked a pack of cigarettes without getting up. I'm still here to tell the tale.