How drunk can you be to drive without getting in trouble?!


How drunk can you be to drive without getting in trouble?

If someone could clarify it would be awesome, I realize that in most states, like mine (Iowa) the legal driving limit is .08. So does that mean that if you get pulled over and you only blow a .07 you do not get in any trouble? The part that confuses me is that people say oh don't drink and drive, but what if you just drink a couple of beers and don't go over the limit and then drive?

You can legally drive up to .07 but .08 and above and you are going to jail buddy. I live in North Dakota and back in September i was arrested for a dui and i can guarantee you it is not worth the risk i was without a lic. for 6 months and trust me that little card doesn't mean anything to you until they take it away. Sorry about the rambling but i think everyone is different on the way they absorb alcohol i think generally after about two beers or two ounces of liquor you are pushing the limit so after that i highly recommend giving up the keys. I hope i helped you out even though i went on rambling about my mistakes. Just be careful and i hope you never make the same mistake i did

Really should not drink & drive.

If you feel drunk don't drive. If you don't feel drunk you can still get locked up for DUI because the blood test has so little alcohol content you don't feel drunk.

where im from one drink will make you blow over!!

If you have alcohol even on your breath from one drink, that is probable cause and they can give you a 24 hour suspension and tow your vehicle. Why take chances. Some people can go over the limit with one drink. If you blow under the limit you may still be asked to preform roadside tests.

Best rule of thumb - one drink an hour

yea dude. just get a sober friend to drive you home

You should not risk it... even if you are under the limit. I had a friend who tested like .06 when she was pulled over, and they still look her in and tested her like 3 more times before she tested .08. She lost everything because of that one DUI. She had a great job paying $50,000 per year and now she can't even find a decent job that comes close. For the rest of your life, employers will do a background check and if you have even one small thing from 20 years ago, they will not hire you.

B.A.C. (Blood Alcohol Content) varies state to state, but most states as you mention are at .08. This is a guideline for most patrol officers. If you are driving in any way erratically; they now have probable cause to charge you with D.U.I.

You may only blow .07 in the field, but if the officer feels strongly enough about your driving he may detain you and administer the Breathalyzer again, and you will probably blow .08 and go to jail.

Most people (average height and weight) .08 is very simply one beer or glass of wine; let alone a shot of the hard stuff. You will dispose of the alcohol, but just because it is only one beer doesn't mean you won't "pop". They can and will administer it as many times as they deem necessary.

Regardless, drinking and driving don't mix. Alcohol is a depressant, and causes your reflexes to slow down. Is it worth it to be responsible for killing a mom and kids on the highway because you wanted a beer after work on your way home?

This very thing happened to a dear friend of mine. While he served his time after being convicted, he is in prison for the rest of his life; his own prison. He will never forget the families he destroyed; all for the sake of a beer on the way home from work.

Stop at the package store, grab a six, and go home! It is more than worth the wait. If you are out with the guys, get a designated driver to take everybody home.

the key is imparement..... in every state, if you blow any blood alchohol level, since they pulled you over for a driving violation ( that is the probable cause) you will be cited for a lesser offense of imparement.

a 160 lb person can drink 12 oz beer and be under the limit
a 150 lb person will be over the limit @ 12 oz
a 160 lb person will be over the limit w/ 16 oz beer

i hope that helps give a guide.

bottom line is to give yourself an hour after each drink so that you are not impared.

This is comparatively simple: a car is a deadly weapon as much as a mode of transport. To drive safely you need all your wits about you. Alcohol erodes those wits from the very first drop you drink. A surgeon's scalpel is also a deadly weapon as much as a life saving tool. How drunk do *you* think *your* surgeon, when you're in desperate need of his skills, should be permitted to be when he operates on you?

That's precisely how drunk you can be at the wheel of the car. You decide.

For most normal sized people, 2 drinks is within the legal limit. If you weigh more and are eating with it, you can drink maybe one more.

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