Is it just me or does jager taste like green nyquil?!
I only drink it in liquid cocaines now
Answers: I think it does too...I have a hard time drinking it when I found out it used to be made outta elk blood or deer blood something of the sort..*its not anymore*
I only drink it in liquid cocaines now
that or black licorice. And yet, I still love it!
jager is the devil Bobby Busche
It does taste like nyquil!!!
yager bombs (a shot of yager dropped into a half cup of redbull/monster/any energy drink) rock - although it throws a big hit to your body and overloads your body with alcohol/caffeine
Yeah, it deff does take like nyquil.
I do not really like it.
Yes you are right, that stuff makes people go crazy!!
green nyquil with a little dirt in it!
That's why you should drink it in a jager bomb. Covers the nasty taste.