How to get ciggarettes.?!

Question: bust in and steal them
no don't
cause then you'd go to jail and be away from me :(

Answers: bust in and steal them
no don't
cause then you'd go to jail and be away from me :(

You have to be able to spell before you can smoke.
Sorry. That is the rule!

First use your spell check... "cigarettes"

You must be young... Why else would you ask this question?

Once you start it is very hard to stop. You risk being hooked the rest of your "shortened life".

Ok, here's how.... Wait a few more yrs. until you can legally purchase them!!!

you go to the store with your money and buy them.

a store if you were above the age or else just go to a store where an illegal works and ask her she prob wold give you some

you can try to make them, or have someone buy them for you or steal them like you usually do....

turn 18 and learn to spell

if you start now you can get cancer so i suggest going to school

Be 18.

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