Why does beer make you have to pee every 5 minutes?!?!?!?!

Question: Why can you drink water (and other beverages) all day long and pee normal...but when you drink alcohol and break the seal....you'll be peein' every 5 minutes? Someone explain this to me...

Answers: Why can you drink water (and other beverages) all day long and pee normal...but when you drink alcohol and break the seal....you'll be peein' every 5 minutes? Someone explain this to me...

Alcohol is a poison, so your body naturally wants to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Your liver and kidneys work overtime to expel the alcohol from your bloodstream, which results in an increase in urination...

Because people typically drink hell of a lot more beer in an amount of time than water.

Beer is a diuretic - something that causes your body to get rid of fluids. Diet coke is another diuretic.

"You can't buy beer. You can only rent it". -- Archie Bunker

Because all kinds of alcohol dehydrate the body. Which, in turn, will make you hungover if you are not properly hydrated before drinking.

Because its mostly water....at least American beer is IMO...

i ask myself that ....every time i WOBBLE towards the urinal.

alcohol dehydrates you so the fluid just like races through you. isn't it annoy as all get out though??!

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