Would you consider yourself the town drunk?!

Question: This question is dedicated to Erica, for showing me where I belong.

1) Do you find, that you know more about alcohol than your friends?

2) Do you find that you know the alcohol content in certain beers?

3) When you find a new vodka, do you test its quality until the bottle is gone?

4) Has anybody told you that you are more fun, when you’re wasted?

5) When there is a hockey game, do your coworkers anticipate that you to come in the next day with blood shot eyes?

6) Do you get smarter, the more you drink?

7) Do you bring your own case to Thanksgiving, because you know that your Dad only buys crap like Natural Lite and PBR?

Answers: This question is dedicated to Erica, for showing me where I belong.

1) Do you find, that you know more about alcohol than your friends?

2) Do you find that you know the alcohol content in certain beers?

3) When you find a new vodka, do you test its quality until the bottle is gone?

4) Has anybody told you that you are more fun, when you’re wasted?

5) When there is a hockey game, do your coworkers anticipate that you to come in the next day with blood shot eyes?

6) Do you get smarter, the more you drink?

7) Do you bring your own case to Thanksgiving, because you know that your Dad only buys crap like Natural Lite and PBR?

LMAO. Thanks. (And you're welcome!)

1) Yes.
2) I've only started trying different beers more recently. Before, I didn't care much for it.
3) Yes. LOL.
4) Yes. Probably because I'm like a babbling brook. Things just start pouring out of my mouth.
5) I don't have any coworkers that I'm around, but I hope my employers don't notice that kind of thing. Haha.
6) Definitely not. I don't get annoying and ditzy (like some people I know get when they're drunk) but again, I start talking a lot and sometimes I say things I shouldn't. "Does my butt look big in these jeans?" Drunk Erica: YEAH!!!!
7) LOL, no. My mom always has a variety of alcohol, thank God.

No, I don't consider myself the town drunk.

naw. I get drunk off life.

LOL I wanna party with you!!!

im 14 and i could answer yes to half those questions haha.

No...but it's always been a goal of mine.

2-Beer is for p****s.
3-Yep...but whiskey is better
5-Well living in the southwest, I doubt they have figured out the correlation. But that's how it works.
6-No...my stupidity level goes up. That's what leads to #4
7-See #2

Do you? I'm a cyborg.

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