The most delicious beer is__________?!

Question: dont give me any light talking about real beer.

Answers: dont give me any light talking about real beer.

Lately I've been on a kick for Flemish Red Ales and Saisons, so I'd have to say Rodenbach or Ommegang Hennepin.
Typically, I steer toward IPAs, such as Mad Hatter from New Holland in MI or Bell's Hopslam to name 2 delicious examples.
Best I've ever tasted, especially considering the situation, was 2005v. Samuel Adams Utopias (25.6%abv) in the private tasting room at their brewery in Boston. Wow.

Although, no matter what, I always say my favorite beer is the one I'm currently drinking... it's always something great!


I prefer reds: Red Wolf (which is no longer made) and Strauss' Red Trolley. Mmmm-mm.

Also, Negra Modelo... GREAT dark beer without being bitter or heavy.

I also have a soft spot for both Bass & Boddington's. *sigh*


Well if you trust the people over at beer advocate who are all very knowledgeable beer fans, the best beer is Trappist Westvleteren 12. It scored very high in just about every category. If you're looking for a more personal opinion I am a big fan of Guinness and when I can't get that I drink Sam Adams Boston Lager.

blue moon with an orange

Corona with lime or Killians.
But I'm not picky, any beer is good beer!

old english

I Love Warsteiner

Bud Light, Im a simple gal.

My own homebrewed chocolate stout. Second to that, I like a good IPA.


Samuel Adams Boston Lager

Any beer that I don't have to pay for! LOL!

none....i like wine and

Summit Extra Pale Ale; Saint Paul, MN

Kirin Ichiban...a Japanese beer..but very smooth and also a slight sweetness to it leaving no unpleasant bitterness or aftertaste!

Guinness! Hooray! I think I'll go have one right now.

Michelob Ultra but anything free works too.

Sunshine Wheat!!! mmmh cant wait till 5 o'clock
put a little sliver of orange on top un beat able

Woodchuck Amber, no questions asked.

Victory Storm King Stout

Southern Tier Oat

Rogue Shakespeare Stout


Alexander Kieth's Red... on tap for some reason it tastes better.

Corona with lime

Fuller's London Pride or a Samuel Smith Bitter

i absolutly love Great White and Dead Guy Ale. Microbrews rock in general!


Miller Lite when it's ice cold!
Gotta be chilled ON ICE for a few hours with salt in the ice for that chilly effect.

West Vleretern 12
Stone Ruination IPA
Cuvee Rene Gueze
Cantillon Lou Pepe
De Dolle Browers Oer Beer
Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA
Stone Smoked Vanilla Porter
Duchesse De Bourgogne
Delirium Noctirnum
Rochefort 10
Port Brewing Shark Attack

I could go all day... but I'll leave it at that. Cheers!

3.2% warm can of miller LITE

Weyerbacher pumpkin ale
Chamay- anything
Unibroue -la fin du monde, tois pistoles, maudite. well, anything go here:
Weyerbacher- Merry Monk
Anything made in any Abbey in Belgium (yes, I do beer "road trips, lol!)
Dogfish head 120 IPA
Weyerbacher- Blithering idiot
Flying dog. yet to find one I don't like...
the list goes on and on and on....
omg shame on me ommegang, once again, anything...

Beer? I dint know about warm sacks of piss like you tasting beer.

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