Alcohol filled pinata?!

Question: turning 21 next month!! wahoo!! :) okay well i was planning on having a huge pinata filled with those little alcohol plastic bottles.. is that pretty chessy or a good idea?? thanks!! :)

Answers: turning 21 next month!! wahoo!! :) okay well i was planning on having a huge pinata filled with those little alcohol plastic bottles.. is that pretty chessy or a good idea?? thanks!! :)

i would mix it up. put some bottles, condoms, glow sticks, lottery tickets, plastic shot glasses....get creative nad mix it up with all types of adult things!!! sounds like a pinata i would want to hit...have fun!

As long as there aren't any little kids around, it's a great idea. Just do it when everyone is still sober. I wouldn't want anyone getting their heads bashed in because of a misguided hit. lol

OMG! Freakin Genius! Definately do it!

don't make the bottle the little glass ones...haha

you're drunk now aren't you? Eh?

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