Can a alcoholic keep his addiction under control or eventually loose it all?!

Question: What I mean by this question is can a person who claims they are not a drunk be a casual drinker and stay that way, or eventually turn into a total drunk and drive everyone crazy and go down the tubes themselves?

Answers: What I mean by this question is can a person who claims they are not a drunk be a casual drinker and stay that way, or eventually turn into a total drunk and drive everyone crazy and go down the tubes themselves?

Alcoholism is easy to control, it's a NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY! NOT A BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM. This was proven by Roger Williams in the 1950's

Here's the key.

Alcoholics need certain vitamins and minerals more than the average person walking the street.

Just to test my theory I sent my cousin the vitamins after he got a dui.

He blew a 2.22.

Raging alcoholic.

After 2 weeks his craving for alcohol disappeared.

Of course he attributed it to him "making up his mind" to not drink anymore.

Funny, but after he stopped taking the vitamins he is right back to drinking. I guess making up your mind really doesn't work.

Some people never learn.

Here are the vitamins that got my cousing to stop drinking after 20 years on the bottle.

and a good multi-vitamin.

Good luck.

There are exceptions of course, who come to terms with addiction, understand the triggers, and adapt to it and can drink casually.

My personal opinion (Im not a doctor or a shrink, but I have known a few addicts in my time) is that some people have deep-seeded emotional problems. They supress them and never actually deal with them or gain closure. These emotions come out eventually and I think that could be a trigger for addicts.

Good rehabs will try to help bring out those emotions and help the addicts come to terms with them. Unfortunately many rehabs are not, and only care about the money your insurance gives them.

But most cannot have a drink without falling down the spiral again.



Of coarse. If this weren't the case alcohol would be illegal. It is meant to be had in moderate doses. Millions of people drink alcohol their whole lives and never become drunks. It's the problems inside the alcoholic.. not the alcohol itself. Alcoholics don't have a stop button.
Myself, I shouldn't drink. I loose the plot before I realise it's time to stop. It's in my families genetic makeup. Unfortunately this is a universal problem it seems.

umm addiction is addiction

if they are already and alchy

then your basically screwed


There are many people who drink casually and stay that way. Just because you like to drink and grill on the weekend or something similar does not make you an alcoholic. As long as this person does not allow drinking to interfere with his or her responsibilities such as missing work or being there when needed by family it is probably fine. Drinking every day is not normal. A couple of days a week is fine and binge drinking is out of the question. A 6 pack or a bottle wine is probably good for you once in awhile.

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