Which types of drinks make you act/feel in certain ways? (Eg: rye = rage)?!

Question: People say that certain types of alcoholic drinks make you more prone to having certain feelings (such as rage, pretentiousness, giddiness, etc...).

Which drinks make you, or people that you know, feel/act certain ways?

Answers: People say that certain types of alcoholic drinks make you more prone to having certain feelings (such as rage, pretentiousness, giddiness, etc...).

Which drinks make you, or people that you know, feel/act certain ways?

Tequila is the only "psychoactive" liqueur because it contains similar alkaloids to cocaine and peyote. Drink enough and you will see visions.

bacardi makes me tired and jager makes me want to break things.....haha... but seriously it does.

Vodka and Stella Artois makes some people get violent! lol

Red Bull makes you high! lol

Heavy sweet drinks and whiskey mixed with sweet sodas make me sick enough to throw up. Most wines and some beers give me a headache and too much champagne...forget it, thought I'd. die. Only thing I can safely drink lots of is either Scotch or Bourbon on the rocks, splash of water.

Beer calms me and makes me relax
wine gives me a nice mild buzz
liquer makes me CRAZY!!!!!!!

When I used to club years ago-I'd stick to Vodka, it was the only thing that would passify me--anything else I'd be in a fight. I'm an aggressive person by nature, I stick to good solid dark beers, and some wines. I can't have Chardonnay Wine without acting like an @ss and I won't do Ryes either-they just aren't good for me.

its all same crap for me

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