What is the alcohol % in these beers in America?!

Question: I keep hearing that American beer is weaker in alcohol % but i have never been legal while in America. So I want to know what the alcohol % is in Coors, Bud, MGD (miller), Corona...im not too sure if you guys have Guinness there but im sure you do so Guinness and any others you can think of. Of if there is a website that youc an go to to find it please post that. I would not even know where to start cause I know you can go to the grocery store and buy beer in some places. But in Ontario you have to go to a place called the beer store lol.. yeah its the actual name..or for liquor to the lcbo. All over canada we have government controlled beer and liquor stores. but that enough aboutt that lol. So if you could please tell me i would be grateful ..

Answers: I keep hearing that American beer is weaker in alcohol % but i have never been legal while in America. So I want to know what the alcohol % is in Coors, Bud, MGD (miller), Corona...im not too sure if you guys have Guinness there but im sure you do so Guinness and any others you can think of. Of if there is a website that youc an go to to find it please post that. I would not even know where to start cause I know you can go to the grocery store and buy beer in some places. But in Ontario you have to go to a place called the beer store lol.. yeah its the actual name..or for liquor to the lcbo. All over canada we have government controlled beer and liquor stores. but that enough aboutt that lol. So if you could please tell me i would be grateful ..

American beer in general is not weaker. That is a common misconception because we silly Americans used to measure the alcohol content of our beer by weight, rather than by volume which is how the rest of the world does it. For example, a beer that is 5% alcohol by volume (abv), the American version used to read 4% abw (alcohol by weight). 4% abv (volume) = 3.2% abw (weight).
There's a good article about it here at Beer Advocate...
The beer we have has the same alcoholic content as the beer you have. The beers you listed are as follows:
Coors Banquet (Original) = 5% abv
Budweiser = 5% abv
MGD = 5% abv
Heineken = 5.4% abv
Corona = 4.6% abv
...and their "light" versions...
Corona Light = 4.5% abv
Heineken Premium Light = 3.5% abv
Miller Lite = 4.2% abv
Bud Light = 4.2% abv
Coors Light = 4.2% abv
...to put it into perspective...
Labatt Blue = 5% abv
Blue Light = 4.2% abv
Molson Canadien = 5% abv
Molson Light = 4.2% abv
Moosehead Lager = 5% abv
...you did mention 1 good beer, though...
Guinness Draught = 4% abv

So there you have it. I'm in metro-Detroit (north of Windsor, ON!) so I know quite well how the Canadian Laws are concerning alcohol. Over here, laws are set by state (with the exception of drinking age and importing laws). Guidelines for regulation are set by the TTB (Tax & Trade Bureau), a divison of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). When ATF was taken into Homeland Security, TTB was formed to allow a seperate division that wouldn't be hindered by the inherent bureaucracy of the larger umbrella bureau.
Every state has different laws concerning alcohol, many are downright stupid, ie Utah. Most states allow you to buy anywhere you like (7-11, party stores, gas stations, drug stores, grocery stores, etc.) and most states do not have limits on the allowed alcohol content of beer, although some still have those silly laws that differ from the norm.
As far as American beer being weaker... Sam Adams (Boston Beer Company) has the Guinness World Record for the world's strongest beer... Sam Adams Utopias. The 2007 vintage tips the scales at 25.6% alcohol by volume; a 750mL bottle will cost you $140-$175 in stores.
And keep in mind, all the beers I listed at the top are mass-produced industrial macro-lagers. We have the largest craft brewing scene in the world, and make beers of every style ever brewed in the history of beer, as well as new hybrid styles invented here by some really crafty brewers!

Hopefully this all answered your Q...
Anything else I can help you with, let me know...

couldnt say about alot of beers but i drink budweiser, its 5% . most beers i've seen are around that . i think miller lite is 5.5 though not sure. most are 5 something

I'm pretty sure coors, corona, and guinness and bud are all 4.9%, while i think mgd is slightly lower (approx 4%) and light beers like bud light, miller light, and coors light are 3.5%. Malted beverages such as Mikes hard lemonade are 5% alcohol.

i am not sure of the alcohol content, i do know it is very low. i have Canadian friends and family and they hate american beer, nothing but water. it really doesn't have any taste to it. we can buy it in grocery stores and any kind of little package store ( 7-11's etc.) down south we have blue laws that say in certain towns you can not buy beer and wine on sundays. you are suppose to be in church or with your family. that was why the law was past. the government does not control the beer and liquor stores but we have the ABC alcohol, tobacco and firearms but i think they merged with homeland security along with a lot of other agency's. which means it is a bigger mess than it use to be. good luck and stay away from american beer, trust me you won't like it.

p.s. we do have micro-breweries that are very good they are small companies that put out some excellent beer.

Obviously you haven't tried Utopia. It started out to be a beer but it's more of a barley wine. You can't get it everywhere, and it is pricey.

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