Is drinking alone bad?!

Question: I have just had a full on week studying, doing assignments etc. and have just cracked open a bourbon and coke can. Im hanging out with my 11 year old and its Friday night. I remember that a friend was horrified that I would occassionally have a drink by myself.(FYI- I never get smashed around my daughter, I just have one or two.) She believed you should never drink alone and if you do you have problems. What do you think???

Answers: I have just had a full on week studying, doing assignments etc. and have just cracked open a bourbon and coke can. Im hanging out with my 11 year old and its Friday night. I remember that a friend was horrified that I would occassionally have a drink by myself.(FYI- I never get smashed around my daughter, I just have one or two.) She believed you should never drink alone and if you do you have problems. What do you think???

No, its not bad. it can be relaxing and nice. Your friend is a little uptight maybe
Besides you are not alone. Your 11 year old is there and you are happy!

Not really. People drink alone to unwind all the time :]

So drinking alone is okay. Getting drunk alone is a different story :]

Getting drunk every day alone is bad! But drinking alone isn't bad in itself. If you just have a couple drinks to get mellow, there isn't a problem. If you are getting slammed every day you are an alcoholic!

I think you can drink alone if you feel like, it doesn't take away your life

nothing it is not fear fact.

A lot of people believe that its the start of alchoholism

but if your just chillin with a couple of drinks its prob ok

unless of course its happening everyday

not unless it becomes a must/habit and more than 1-2 drinks
I would get home and have a beer or
some jack and coke to enjoy

I never drank while tense or upset just to top off
a great day or...

in moderation it is fine!!

not reallly

I drink alone... Yeahhhh... with nobody else... And when I drink alone.. I prefer to be by myself.

Just don't get drunk alone. Make sure you go a few days without after you have a few.

Intellectually, you will know if you have a problem well before you acknowledge it.

No, I don't think it is a problem.

One or two is no harm. If you get to the point where you can't go a night without a drink or having excessive amounts you are on the verge of having a drinking problem.

Drinking alone is no problem I know load of people that do it , Including me and as far as I am aware I can go ages without a drink. On my choice.

Don't worry , Just keep a check on it with quantity and how often. You said you wouldn't get really drunk with a child around any way so therefore you do not have a problem. You are responsible drinker. (As per advert) :-)

Hope this helps a little to settle your mind.

drinking alone is fine and dandy....drunking alone is sad :[

drinking in both the cases is harmful whether you drink alone or or you drink with some thing to eat.

My father was a major alcoholic .Alcoholism is in my family so most of it is genetic.I used to be a BIG drinker. And at one stage couldn't stop ! I was drinking before and after work everyday. The REASON why was because i wasn't happy with my man. And it sounds to me like you've worked hard all week now you're wanting to enjoy a drink . Theres nothing wrong with that , as long as your putting your girl first . Its not the drinking is the reasons behind it .

Not at all! I love chillin at home with a movie and a glass of wine on the weekends when I cant go out or something, or just to relax. There's nothing wrong with drinking alone :) If you HAVE to drink with people that sounds like more of a problem to me..

from the info you shared i don't see anything wrong with being responsible every once in awhile and sipping on a drink

It's fine if you have one, once every 2 years.

I can't imagine it's any worse than getting belligerently wasted with 100 people. Personally I'll sip on a beer in front of the TV before I'll pound one shoulder to shoulder with a gaggle of obnoxious strangers.

drinking alone nope,but getting shitfaced alone kinda is


no i like drinking alone so i dont cuss at them or throw up on someone it is not bad most of my time i do it alone

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