What's the sh*ttiest tasting beer you've ever had?!
What's the sh*ttiest tasting beer you've ever had?
*Nautral Ice
*Arrogant Bastard
natural ice light or milwaukee's best light. we used to buy that stuff specifically for beer bongs when you wouldnt taste it.
becks that **** is gross
Milwaukee's Best. (We called it "Beast.") When I was a senior in college, they started selling cases of 30 cans for $10. College student's best friend, but only if you were going for quantity, not quality.
natural ice...
and i didnt like budweiser either...
corona is ok...
but my favorites are the extra dark ones...
Tie : Old German and Falls City
Steel Reserve. ICK. I drank those when I was poor. =( But it sure does get you wasted when money is tight!
and any berry type beer.
Rainbow Red. Anyone else ever had it? Remember it was in a keg at a party a decade ago...
Keystone. Ew.
Heffenweizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... GAG, PUKE, *vomiting*
I don't remember the brand, but was in a red and black can, cost about $4.25 for a 12 pack. I could barely drink it out of a beer bong, and I had no problem drinking other nasty beers such as natty ice.
Red Dog.. It was cheap like Natty Light and the Beast, but while those beers didn't have that strong a taste, red dog's "flavor" was in full force, and man was it bad..