Keeping cigarette from going stale, no fridge?!

Question: I dont have a fridge or freezer, what else can u do to keep them from going stale for about 2 weeks. how long would they usually take to go stale

Answers: I dont have a fridge or freezer, what else can u do to keep them from going stale for about 2 weeks. how long would they usually take to go stale

Keep them wrapped.

You can make your own humidor. Put them in a plastic zip lock bag with part of a damp sponge. Make sure the cigarettes don't touch the sponge, you might wan tot put the cigarettes in one bag, leave it open and place that bag in a bag with a sponge.

I do this for cigars. I only keep two or three for about two weeks at a time. I only smoke about 4 per year.

They've already been sitting on the store shelf for months.. what are you worried about? Is it an open pack?

Cigarettes aren't like cigars.. where they tend to sit around, exposed to the elements for a long time, so being "stale" isn't such an issue.

Perhals if they sit for months, in a closed car or something, but a couple of weeks won't make much of a difference. If worse comes to worse, stick them in a zip-loc and press all the air out and seal it.

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