How can you tell if Wine?!

Question: How can you tell if the wine you're drinking is aged?

Answers: How can you tell if the wine you're drinking is aged?

Easiest way is to look at the vintage year on the label.

If you have the wine served to you without seeing the bottle, the the color is the first indication.

Its complex to explain, but vasically red wines's colors fade, they lose the purple color of youth and go red, then reddish brown.

White wines get darker yellow in color.

Second method is to taste is. Old wines taste old; you get to recognize the taste; they lose the bright fruit flavors of youth.

well, for one you can look on the label. most of them have the age of the wine or the year that it was bottled.

the older it is the more likely you'll feel like gagging!

The year on the bottle is NOT the year it was bottled. It is the year that the grapes were picked.

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