Is it possible to make moonshine without distilling it?!

Question: Well, at best, using turbo yeast or distillers yeast, you can get a malt/sugar mixture up to roughly 20% alkymahol. That's 40 proof, so only half way there. If you can get your freezer really cold, you can then freeze that mixture. Remove the ice as it forms, and this will make it even more concentrated, thereby boosting the alkymahol level. This is called freeze distillation. The higher in concentration your liquor gets, however, the harder it will be to freeze any water out of it. You could probably even use dry ice if necessary. After that, you could filter it using activated charcoal, and have a product similar to moonshine. If made right, it will definitely get you drunk. Won't make you go blind even if you make it wrong, unless you do something stupid and add methanol to it.

Answers: Well, at best, using turbo yeast or distillers yeast, you can get a malt/sugar mixture up to roughly 20% alkymahol. That's 40 proof, so only half way there. If you can get your freezer really cold, you can then freeze that mixture. Remove the ice as it forms, and this will make it even more concentrated, thereby boosting the alkymahol level. This is called freeze distillation. The higher in concentration your liquor gets, however, the harder it will be to freeze any water out of it. You could probably even use dry ice if necessary. After that, you could filter it using activated charcoal, and have a product similar to moonshine. If made right, it will definitely get you drunk. Won't make you go blind even if you make it wrong, unless you do something stupid and add methanol to it.

If you dont know what you are doing dont make any kind of liquor. If it is made wrong you could go blind or die. Make homemade beer instead, you wont die if you mess up, just throw up.

you're retarded... i hope you go blind

yeah, and it's also possible to get drunk off of mouthwash and cold medicine.

No. The reason it's called "moonshine" is because it was traditionally distilled at night.

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