How much gin should I drink in order for the weekend to run smoothly?!

Question: Ah, once again the weekend arrives with its promise of jollity and celebration. Naturally enough, since I don't work and never have, the weekend is of no significance to my calendar but nonetheless, I do like to at least try to make it different from the rest of the week.
Anyway, one of my favourite activities is the almost lethal consumption of gin. Of course, I add a little ballast by quaffing many pints of real ale, but gin is the real raison d'etre. Does anyone else share my keeness for the juniper scented distillation? If not, what methods of inebriation do you favour for your weekend?

Answers: Ah, once again the weekend arrives with its promise of jollity and celebration. Naturally enough, since I don't work and never have, the weekend is of no significance to my calendar but nonetheless, I do like to at least try to make it different from the rest of the week.
Anyway, one of my favourite activities is the almost lethal consumption of gin. Of course, I add a little ballast by quaffing many pints of real ale, but gin is the real raison d'etre. Does anyone else share my keeness for the juniper scented distillation? If not, what methods of inebriation do you favour for your weekend?

Ah finally good sir, a question with merit.
Are you as I, rather tired of the " my bf has dumped me, what should I do"
These are the questions that matter.
However to answer your question..........
Well to my mind preperation is everything...............
suprisingly some new fella at the club, advised me that the weekend only consists of 2 days !!!
He wasnt including Thursday or even Friday for goodness sake.
Well I digress...... Thursday 7am - 12 champagne
12pm - 6pm gin
6pm - 10pm absinthe
10pm - 5am morphine

friday 12pm - 3pm pimms
3pm - 8pm champagne
8pm - 12am chateau laffite
12am-3am local bordello
3am - 6am more morphine

then repeat for sat and sunday.

I always find this allows for a fine haze to equip me for the rest of the week.

someone asked me do i never drink WATER? Have you ever heard of such?

a crate full

why not ring the changes-a bucket of sloe gin will slide down nicely .

oh ya vodka dear boy

A couple of martini's should get it off to a great start.

"Oh yes" Gin and bitter lemon, best drink for the weekend
If I say so myself.

As the Duchess is away this weekend I shall be spending the next 48 hours drinking myself into a stupor. The only real measure for how much one should drink is to start drinking and only stop for sleeping, vomiting or eating. That is, at all other times one should be drinking and when your bender is over that is when you calculate how much you have drunk.

Plenty of Gin Sir but don't forget the tonic. I have been drinking it for years and have yet to suffer one bout of malaria!

Although I sadly lack a title, I gratefully lack employment, thanks to a generous bequeath from my dearly departed grandparents. From sunny Madrid, I raise my glass of fine Rioja in a toast to you good sir.


Martini - only the beautiful people drink Martini.

I like weed, not gin, but hey have fun.

I'm a tonic lover so its got to be Gin Tonic ice and
Slice..enjoy..happy weekend people!

Sir Marmalade, I recommend copious amounts of gin, dear sir. In fact, you've made my mouth water with thoughts of the delicious nectar! Methinks it be time to step downstairs to mix a Gimlet... on second thought, a week such as this deserves a Churchill Martini to set things in motion.
Typically, my libation of choice is a fine beer, as I've quaffed two pints of Guinness thus far this afternoon. Let it never be said that I could not appreciate the tantalizing flavours of the juniper-infused distillate, as well.
Cheers to you, good sir... and may your weekend last longer than your week!

Brandy my good Sir! Napoleon of course,
V.S.O.P. warmed in a large snifter upon
the ample bosom of the chambermaid.
You really must learn how to enjoy life!

Gin and it for me my dear, don't skimp on the measures. Cheers!


Papa always said a true gentleman is never more than a stones throw away from a drop of gin. Tip top.

Gin and tonic is a favorite drink of mine.

Honestly none i quit drinking you will feel so much better you dont even know watch just try it once if you do i gauntee that you will feel better please just try it once this weekend.

how much do you usually drink????=]
if you dont drink during the week you shouldnn't drink that much! lol itll make you sick.! about 10 oR 11 shots or so! YOUUU should go to sonic [if you have one whereever you live] and get a slush&&&&mix it with that and sip on it all night!=] that'll be grReattttt=] yes matter of fact im frinkin this weekend but not no GIN!! lol=] peaCe!=]

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