Going clubbing underage! BEST PT ANSWERS?!

Question: I was just wondering if anyone has been to Club Pinokkio in Montreal? I am planning on going there this coming Sunday for the Olympic Trials after party. Unfortunately I am only 16, but from what I have heard it ain't too hard to get into the clubs in Montreal. I am working on borrowing a friends piece of ID just in case. Any other suggestions to help me get into the club?

Answers: I was just wondering if anyone has been to Club Pinokkio in Montreal? I am planning on going there this coming Sunday for the Olympic Trials after party. Unfortunately I am only 16, but from what I have heard it ain't too hard to get into the clubs in Montreal. I am working on borrowing a friends piece of ID just in case. Any other suggestions to help me get into the club?

put on your sluttiest dress and highest heels and flash your t*i*t*s for guys for a ride (hm. sounds familiar?)

ps. i better get the best answer ps batch.

Don't act retarded. Like oh my!! it's my first time in a club. Just be cool. You'll be alright, if you're confident.

try to where older looking clothes, not a vest like superbad lol but polo shirt and jeans with some dress shoes. Try to have mature conversation about stuff with your friends and don't look to "giddy"

Have your mother take you. You are too young to go to a club but you could get in legally if you are with a parent. If you get caught, your mom will be called anyway.

don't let the mounties catch you

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