What is a sakibam?!

Question: what is a sakibam? spelling?
and what is a yagermister? spelling?

Answers: what is a sakibam? spelling?
and what is a yagermister? spelling?

sakibam is nasty! it's always at asian style restauraunts.

jagermeister is a hard type of liquor usually used for "jager bombs" which can either be mixed with beer or redbull.

go to youtube.com & search "my new haircut". at the end of the video, the guy drinks a jagerbomb.

(i personally don't like either but i'm not a heavy drinker)

hope this helped :)

sake-bombing is when you take a shot of sake and drop the shotglass into a cup of beer and chug the whole thing. it's kinda fun if you do it in a group of people. jagermeister is a kind of liquor that people drink sometimes in a jagerbomb, which is a shot of jager mixed with a shot of redbull and chugged.

Sakibam's are a shot of saki dropped in a glass of beer, preferably a japanese or chinese beer. It's fun in groups because you put the shot on top of two open chopsticks on top of the beer glass. Everyone pounds on the table, the shot drops in, and you're faced.

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