Two different drinks..?!


Two different drinks..?

Is anyone else relaxing, and drinking two different drinks? I am drinking a beer and a glass of wine. Yummy. =) I just may go have a shot of vodka in a few minutes and finish it all off with a sleeping pill. Man life is good.. =)

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2 months ago
Angie- how would that give me a hang over? Or death....
I have a bit of a tolerance. I will feel perfectly fine when I wake up.

2 months ago
Angie- how would that give me a hang over? Or death....
I have a bit of a tolerance. I will feel perfectly fine when I wake up.

i'm drinking merlot and a nice cab right now, but thats about it. and probly gonna go pop some oxycodone, now that you mention it. great idea! thanks for the inspiration! shyt this is gonna be a fun night. thnx mucho!

sure if you like hangovers and death.

boys is that a hangover waiting to happin. btw i am at work not able to drink :(

i'm 14 this year.. i can't drink!

I have done it before and i'm fine. Have fun!

OOOOOHH wine.... MMMM. Good idea. Gonna go crack a bottle.

Pretty sure you're not gonna need that sleeping pill if you go for the vodka too. Maybe you meant Advil? :)

well im pretty sure that 1 beer 1 glass of wine and 1 shot will not give u a hangover, unless u have never drank before, but im assuming u have. but u know what? everyone always tells me not to mix my drinks, and to stay with one kind otherwise i will get sick. my body works the complete opposite... when i mix a ton of different drinks and shots, and beers i feel perfectly fine, but when i stick to strait beer or straight vodka i always get really sick.. thats weird huh?

boy there is a lindsy lohan remake waiting to happen

I not, but I wish I were now. Stupid having to have a job to pay my rent!!

no I'm not drinking...sniff no beer in house and no money to go out with :(
Good thing payday is soon

Everyone is different. If it doesn't give youa hangover & you feel fine then hey, go for it! I have little tolerance when I mix my drinks but pills...bring on the selection. It's your system & building tolerance that make the difference. Whatever "happy meal" works for you.

Why so many drinks at once? are you trying to break a record for the most drinks drank in a small time period. You are only harming your body and mind by doing this to yourself please wake up before is to late and something terrible happens.

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