What is the difference between an alcoholic, and having a few drinks every night?!

Question: Every night after work, my hubby enjoys a sixpack, or a mickey of whiskey. Sometimes he's good with that, other times, he wants more.
What I'm uncertain of, is if I should be concerned, or accept the fact that he just needs to relax. I'm not a teatotallerr, I enjoy a drink every now and then too... But ...
We have 4 kids, and sometimes I worry about what they percieve of this situation. It's not like he gets nasty or abusive, more times than not, he becomes the happy "life's a party" kinda guy.
I just don't know if I'm making too big of a deal, or if this is something that needs to be dealt with. What do you think?

Answers: Every night after work, my hubby enjoys a sixpack, or a mickey of whiskey. Sometimes he's good with that, other times, he wants more.
What I'm uncertain of, is if I should be concerned, or accept the fact that he just needs to relax. I'm not a teatotallerr, I enjoy a drink every now and then too... But ...
We have 4 kids, and sometimes I worry about what they percieve of this situation. It's not like he gets nasty or abusive, more times than not, he becomes the happy "life's a party" kinda guy.
I just don't know if I'm making too big of a deal, or if this is something that needs to be dealt with. What do you think?

I'll be very honest, I fall into the same category your husband does.

After work every day, I enjoy having a few beers (sometimes more than a few, especially on Friday night). I don't drink hard alcohol, but I never go more than a day or two without drinking some beers.

I personally don't think this is a problem. I make enough money to afford the alcohol I drink, I don't get drunk and drive, and it allows me to relieve the stress we all feel (and that's not the only way I do that, I also either jog or lift weights almost every day).

To me, it's a perfectly normal, perfectly legal way to wind down, improve my mood (which can be affected negatively by my job), and prepare me for sleep. I realize many people drink too much and have problems with alcohol, but if your husband isn't getting wasted, being hurtful to you or your children, or putting others in harm, I don't see a problem with it.

I understand your concern with your children, as they're your highest priority. But as long as he's not mentally, physically, or emotionally hurting them, it's nice that dad can be happy when he gets home . . . lots of dads aren't like that, no matter how they deal with stress. The children who are harmed by alcohol use come from homes where one or both parents drink and then are neglective or abusive.

Drinking is okay . . . humans have been doing it for thousands of years as a way to relax. As long as he's dealing with the rest of his responsibilities, sounds like you have a good man there.

I hope this helps.

Alcoholics go to meetings. The thing to remember is tolerance. Will he start drinking more when his tolerance increases; is what you need to ask yourself. Ask him. As long as he maintains and doesn't abuse the family (or the booze) he should be fine. Some have more control than others. This is the most deadly drug in the world.

you really have answered your own question .........whats the difference of being an alcoholic and having a few drinks a night ??? thats the difference an alcoholic doesnt have just a few . i grew up with my dad having a 6 pack a night and it didnt effect me in the slightest you've already said he isnt abusive and he is a happy person then this is not going to effect your children in anyway they will grow up thinking what lovely parents they have and that ttheir dad is always happy certainly nothing wrong with that

Pretty simple...

Can he go a few days without drinking?
The term YOU used "He wants more" is a key indicator.

There are all kinds of alcoholics.. but the first test for most of them is to just ask them to stop drinking for a few weeks.

Binge drinkers don't seem to mind quitting for a few days, but a few weeks will freak them out.

Maintenance drinkers will drink a certain amount every day, and they would also have a problem abstaining for a few weeks.

Drunks don't start drinking until they get drunk. Then they typically drink until they pass out. They won't be able to keep away from the stuff.

Just give your hubby a simple test of seeing if he can stay away from it for a few weeks.

Good Luck.

A sixpack every night illustrates alcohol dependancy, and that is what alcoholism is.

Ask him, what does he think of it?

What is it doing to his liver? His heart? His waistline?

Needing the drink and not being able to go without it.

Six pack is a bit much, especially with kids around. Not a good example even if he isn't displaying inappropriate behavior. They observe and absorb more than you think. If you ask him to stop for this reason and he has a problem with it-than he has a problem.

I think that you should talk to him about it, but dont keep bringing it up or using it against him. Dont do it while he is about to drink or drinking, because then it will seem like an attack or that youre nagging him. Try a Saturday or something. It really doesnt seem like a problem to me though. He isnt doing anything except the actual drinking that is bad. So after having your talk, let him know how you feel, then let it go. Other wise it WILL become a problem because it will just be a white elephant in the room every night. If he is an alcoholic, he needs to make the decision to stop drinking for himself, not for anyone else.

if you are honestly concerned bring it up to him over breakfast before the day has started. but the fact that he is not abusive towards YOU or your Children i would say he is just blowin off some steam. does he have a stressful job. that may be the source of his drinking. but in my opinion he is FINE but like i said if you are concernd ask him no opinion on yahoo will speak from his mouth yall are MAN & WIFE talk to him about it. Tell him what you have told us..

Good luck & God Bless

Hi, with four kids, I wonder what age, you two need to have a talk about his sixpack every night. If the kids are small, he needs to be with them more after work than the sixpack. He should at least reduce that 'every night' to may be two nights a week 'cos during the weekend, if he does not work, you both need to take the kids out.

This is all like having family quality time.

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