Do u like water bottles?!

Question: do u?

Answers: do u?

yea i use to go out with them

Yes, yes I do. =)

i love water bottles.
you can put anything you want in them!

Yes, especially when I place one in the freezer for 45 minutes or so then shake it up. Talk about ice water!!

umm i guess.. i have a 1.5l that ive been using foe a good 2months for work .. I refill it everyday... so yea its beats a cup or walking to the water fountain every 30min

I love water bottles!
I'm very picky about my water....I don't like to drink water from the sink or the freezer cause it smells like the freezer. I don't mind drinking water at the restuarant though.
Other than that it has to be from a water bottle. I also don't like to drink a water bottle if it was already open.
picky picky picky i know.

Generally "Yes". I don't use them myself though.

My Children (who are all grown now) really like them. I always tell them that they never outgrew their "baby bottles"!! : )

yes i do..........

water bottles???? that has nothing to do with beer

yes i will drink more water when we have water bottles then getting a glass out of the cabinet and pouring one ahah

Causes too much pollution

Yes,i do

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