Will all the smokers be going back down the pubs now that summers here?!

Question: Do you think that the non smokers will stay inside?
He who laughs last, Laughs longest.

Answers: Do you think that the non smokers will stay inside?
He who laughs last, Laughs longest.

Hang on.. They've banned smoking inside because it is harmful to others, right? Well, why don't they ban drinking OUTSIDE the pub. I mean, that can be harmful to others if a drinker gets violent, and it is worse outside because there are more people. Best to keep them locked up in one place.

And before anyone says 'not everyone gets violent', remember not everyone gets cancer from breathing in second hand smoke.

The only reason there havn't been stricter laws enforced is because the government wants money. A smokers and drinkers give them a HELL of alot of it.

Personally I will do what I always do. Sit outside on a nice sun lounger, in my quiet garden, with a glass of lemonade, a cigarette and a good book. With my boyfriend and my pets. We're going to get a small bathing pool to put there too at some point.


only if they have a beer garden.

Yeah the smokers will be there now it is warmer.

Ban us from smoking outside? First I've heard of it. I never stopped going to the pub. No, non smokers will be outside with the smokers, the same as they have done all winter. They hate being left alone inside the pub and want to talk to us outside.

People use to think that the Earth was flat, then they thought that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. That proves that humanity can be wrong. Now it is massively believed that smoking is bad. I am not convinced and believe that tabacco is not the only substance one can smoke.

Probably then we will have to once again run the gauntlet of smoke haze and scuff cig butts off our shoes to get in the pub. Why do the breweries allow the nicotine junkies to crowd around the entrance to their pubs blocking the way in
and also increasing the chance of the smoke blowing into the pub.

Well the winter never stopped me going so it's bussiness as usaual for me.

I won't be - it's cheaper to sit at home and have a drink. I really feel for these poor publicans struggling to keep afloat. The government has SO much to answer for, not least the destruction of our local communities. We have lost so much and the smoking ban is just about the final nail in the coffin. Who would now want to live in rural areas - no post offices, banks, shops and finally, the hub of the community, the local hostelry.
That's it, rant over ! I'm sorry, this is something that I feel particularly strongly about and you've just touched a raw nerve.

Why not simply stop smoking and save money to spend on beer???

See link below for tips and lots of advice...

Non-smokers are really annoying this time of year. Now that summer is near, non-smokers start getting uptight about us smoking outside. I feel like asking them where they were when we were standing in the cold rain smoking.

i probably will start going to the pub again but it will be interesting to see where the non smokers will sit . if i hear one person moaning about the smoke area i think i may kill them .
if they stop the smoking outside i think it will kill most pubs but THEY have got to get the taxes from somewhere ........wonder what will go up next .....maybe i should pose this as a question .
i feel we should all have the freedom to smoke .

I get my beer from supermarkets for a third of the price pubs charge.You still have to push through a cloud of smokers around the door but at least they ar`nt drunk and violent.

Non-smokers will levitate to the planet Alfred where they will enjoy inhaling each others sweet breath.

Keep smiling, Quiet Quill. You're groovy.

FP, American male

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