Do you HAVE to be 21 to attend Bartending School?!

Question: I'm not asking how old you have to be to actually be a Bartender... rather... How old do you have to be to go to Bartending School and get your licence???

Answers: I'm not asking how old you have to be to actually be a Bartender... rather... How old do you have to be to go to Bartending School and get your licence???

I believe its 18...i live in illinois and I know you can't work behind a bar until you are 21 but you can be a waitress and serve it at 18-19. But i think to go to school its the school you obviously won't be drinking'll be mocktails you'll be learning .

PS I went to bartending school and it was fun! my opinion you can learn the same things from a bartending black book or bartending for dummies book...most of the bartending is learned on the spot.

id imagine some schools would let you go at 18. im sure it depends on the state and the school.

Every state is different. To be a bartender, not go to school, most states have gone to 21. In Texas you can do both at 18, but in South Carolina it is 21.
My advice is to learn by serving. I do this for a living and I will not hire a bartending school graduate with no experience. My experience tells me they know how to put a umbrella in a drink, but have no idea how to deal with a drunk, underage customers, fights, and cutting people off (nicely).

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