How much does cigarettes cost where you live?!

Question: If you smoke how much does brand name cigarettes cost there? Here in Maine they cost 5.65 and thats the cheapest but like 2 mins down the road at a variety store there over 6 bucks.

Answers: If you smoke how much does brand name cigarettes cost there? Here in Maine they cost 5.65 and thats the cheapest but like 2 mins down the road at a variety store there over 6 bucks.

Here they are right around the same price, since I live in Maine too!

The really shitty part of it is they want to raise the tax on them another 2.75 a pack!

5 bucks +. Thank god I don't smoke. Ew..

Pall Mall Light 100's are $3.23/pk in Ohio, that is what I smoke. Depending on what brand you smoke, you can buy them online for about $20/carton

40 philippine peso.

$5 give or take 25 cents for newports...i quit smoking a couple months ago. they are nasty

Colorado $4.75

The places I've lived:
The Berkshires: 5 - 6
New York: 6 - 8
Germany: Euro 3.5 - 5.5

there cheaper if you buy them off people on the street.. but then they might have laced(put other drugs in) them and you dont want that lol, i dont know how much they are here though

Well the cigerttes inn glenwood are about $5 a pack it sucks

Just like a house in the Hamptons, if you have to ask you can't afford them.
My doctor said the best thing I could do for my health is quit smoking. It was really hard but worth it.
My mom and dad and 2 sisters also quit.
Plus I have more money to spend on fuel oil !

Quality brands 5.00, some suspicious stores sell for 3.00.

camel no. 9's. about 3 to 4 bucks (most times i get buy one get one free's though!)

$4.50 in Florida...I don't smoke though

$4.15 Marlboro in Northern MN

Who really cares... cigarettes are bad for you, the environment & everyone else around you that has to inhale the putrid smoke.
Besides, this is not in the proper category...

One hundred buckaroos. But man is it worth it! I love my Camels.....and my Marlboros.......and my Lucky Strikes.......and my Virginia Slims.......and my KOOL. Smoking just makes me feel......more attractive

I live in Reno Nevada and the average cost is $4.15 a pack but I go to this convenient store where I actually get Marbloros for 3.21 after taxes!

In indiana it's 3.20 for a pack of dorals

$1.50 for a pack of marlboro lites

$11 for a carton

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