Why drink?!


Why drink?

just wanna ask ppl why they drink i have a friend who drinks occasionally but only like one type of drink and won't drink anything else

Why do People use Alcohol?
To change the way their body or mind functions.
Alcohol causes a variety of feelings such as happiness, relaxation, sleepiness and drunkenness. Alternatives: exercise, get more sleep, eat properly, play a team sport, read a really good book, learn something new, talk to a friend.

There are many reasons why people might want to use alcohol to change the way they feel. People may have different reasons for drinking on different occasions. For example, people will celebrate an event such as a wedding with a drink, or toast. The alcohol has a small effect on changing their mood.

To help them create an image of themselves.
Like smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol is another way of trying to show people that you are mature or grownup. Drinking certain types of alcohol, like champagne, is a way of showing your wealth or celebrating. Alternatives: invent your own image, take a personality quiz, start a new trend, be yourself, not what some ad tells you you should be.

Out of curiosity
Many younger people have their first experience with alcohol to see what it tastes like and feel its effects. Older people who have developed a taste for certain alcoholic beverages like to try different types. What else are you curious about? Discover the mysteries of life - why do trees drop their leaves in the fall, what makes Teflon stick to the pan, why bread always falls peanut butter side down.

Because of problems such as anger, stress, boredom or depression.
People drink alcohol to change moods they want to escape. To do this, they will probably have to drink more than one drink. This reason for drinking is more likely to lead to problem drinking. Everyone has problems from time to time. Learn how to manage problems by talking to a friend, a parent, a counsellor.

Because of social pressures.
When people are at social events where alcohol is served, they may end up feeling pressure to drink. This could be because the hosts keep offering drinks, or it could be because there are no non-alcoholic drinks available. No one likes to feel like an outsider, but there are many other ways to in "in". Find a club, a group of friends with similar interests, participate in a favorite activity. If you're shy, talk to a counsellor about how to meet people.

Some people are uncomfortable at social events and use alcohol so that they can be more relaxed and outgoing and talk to people.

Because of group pressures.
This pressure is faced by most young people at some point in time. A person may feel the need to drink to show that they are a part of the group. Often non-drinkers will be pressured to join in and drink with he rest of the group. It's hard to be your own person sometimes. Find a group of people who will support your desire not to drink, or do anything that you know can be harmful.

I drink to relax and have a good tome. Sometimes we drink everyday but we dont get stupid drunk and run in the streets naked or anything. I guess it helps put me to sleep faster too!

Why go on a roller coaster, its just a different experience

I don't drink much:
1. Because it costs more than healthier drinks.
2. Because I don't feel in control of myself.
3. Because I feel bad the next day...even after 2 drinks.
4. Because my mother was a chronic alcoholic, so I see potential for a hereditary alcohol problem in myself.

However, if I really want a drink, it is usually champagne or prosecco to celebrate something.

I also like beer with certain meals, especially in the summertime, it tastes great.

I will also drink bloody marys, spiked eggnog, and mulled wine at christmastime, but probably only half a drink.

(I used to drink a lot in my teens and twenties....anything available, just to lose inhibitions and be more sociable, and feel more sexy. I am lucky to be alive after doing so many stupid things.)

when having a night out i don't drink as I'm the one always driving when i have had a drink .the one suppose to be driving changes there mind and gets drunk leaves the car and I'm left middle of no were having to walk home not good in high heels! but i still have fun laughing at them being drunk!!

I like wine with my food:

Chardonnay with fish
Cabernet Sauvignon with steak
Sangiovese with Italian foods
Lemberger with Pizza
Riesling with ~~HOT~~ foods (Thai or Indian)

So as you can see I drink to enhance the flavors of the foods.

I don't drink that much anymore, but when I do it's for different reasons:
Wine tasting
Stressed out: dirty vodka martini
At a bar watching a Dodger game: Heineken
On a date: wine
Party:whatever's available

i drink only when i go out w/ my friends. because i relaxes me

I have also a friend who drinks only occasionally.
Send her my best regards!

I like to get buzzed. Its relaxes me and its fun.

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