Am i wrong?!


Am i wrong?

I stopped drinking 3 year ago due to ill health,my wife still enjoys a drink on a weekend,only a bottle of wine,but it gets her drunk and she acts stupid.I am physically sick at the smell of alcohol and ask her to stay away from me when she has it.would i be wrong to ask her to stop drinking in the house.its only since i've stopped drinking that i've realised what fools people make of themselves when drunk.

Additional Details

2 months ago
i'm not asking her to stop completely,just in the house,it makes me sick physically.i do keep out of the way,i am now

2 months ago
i wasn't alcohol dependant,its medication for an illness that stopped me drinking.i meant for her to go out with her mates

2 months ago
i'm not asking her to stop completely,just in the house,it makes me sick physically.i do keep out of the way,i am now

2 months ago
i wasn't alcohol dependant,its medication for an illness that stopped me drinking.i meant for her to go out with her mates

your not wrong to ask her to stop if it makes you feel sick.

i'm the same it's horrible

i totally understand how you feel

You sound the same as an ex-smoker!

Its like ex smokers they are the ones who complain about smoking the most ironic isn`t it

We all have our vices, some are impossible to change.

your the one with the ill health, let her have some fun, life's too short, the world could blow up tomorrow, so let live life to the full.

i don't really drink anymore and i know what you mean.when you are sober and they are drunk, you see them in a different light.
don't force her to stop though. her plight is not yours.that wouldn't be fair to her. just keep out of her way.

No, What if the situation were reversed, would you like it if she told you to go outside and drink. Get her some breath mints and tough it out. For better or worse..

yeah tell her to stay away from you if you get sick then its all her fault then you will get sick and she will be sad that she made you sick. then you will be in the hospital. so be sure you tell her that.

Well done for giving up.

If you have given up for health reasons then I think your wife should respect that.

If you haven't told her how you feel, now is the time. She could cut down the wine, just buy a half bottle, or save the money she would spend on booze and spend it on a special treat every now and then.

You can't ask her to drink out side the house because God knows what kind of trouble she could get into wondering the city drunk. Just put up with it while she's drinking and when she passes out you can crawl on top of her and do whatever you want to her. You give a little, you get a little.

Yeah sorry. you can ask her to not do it in the house so often, but I think it was your choice to give up alcohol not hers and you can't ban her. I don't think you can expect her to do something you want and you not let her do something she wants. and its her home too. (I'm not gonna get best answer for that one am i?)

Yes, I think you'd be wrong. You've had your fun & fortunately been able to get on the wagon before it killed you. That's no reason why your wife shouldn't be allowed a modest bottle of wine at home once a week!

I understand the problem (really!) but perhaps you should consider staying away from her when she has her well deserved little drink.

No. You are not wrong for asking. No harm in that, right?

But she would not be wrong for telling you NO, either. She might say YES, she might not.

But, here's the part that is bugging me. Say she goes outside to drink and then comes back in when she is through. But you can still smell the alcohol on her breath. So you tell her not to come in until she's sober and the alcohol is out of her system? Where do you draw the line?

And what do you say when she says, sure, I won't drink in the house, and instead goes to a bar? Is that what you want?

Does she have a nice little place in the backyard where she can go and drink? I'm thinking maybe you need to make her one, kinda girlish, so she can be comfortable she is doing her drinking, you know, a little table, maybe a nice shady spot.

You need to motivate her so that being in the backyard is a pleasure, not a punishment!

If she is having trouble not drinking for you, perhaps you could compromise.

It won't stop her acting silly when drunk, but if you get her to drink something relatively odourless, like vodka in coke or orange, at least you'll have the nausea problem solved.

If she enjoys a drink, responsibly, I think it would be wrong of you to take that away from her entirely, but perhaps she needs to be more aware of your difficulty with the situation.

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