WHISKY&RUM It's well known that old blended whisky and rum are BEST, What about beer ,?!
I want know those bottels are SAFE to DRINK or not
Answers: I have six bottles of BEER Which i bought for a GUEST 13 years ago (1996)
I want know those bottels are SAFE to DRINK or not
This is a tough answer to give with the limited information provided.
The Short Answer
There is nothing in beer even after it has past its expiration date that can harm you.
The Long Answer:
Quality beer can be stored and aged much like wine. It is a hobby of mine actually. I've consumed beers that were as old as 19 years with no problem. These are typically higher end premium beers with higher ABV and/or stronger hops. They need to be stored away from sunlight, in an upright position and preferably not refrigerated... Though not bad the cold retards the maturation process.
Cheap beer... Bud... Miller... Coors... Heineken... Your under hopped... low ABV beers don't hold up well to aging. They die a slow painful death. After 3 months the start to loose flavor and carbonation. After a year they are skunked and near undrinkable.
Now, you question asks about blended beers. The only blended beer that comes to mind at the moment is a lambic. A Belgian beer that is normally a blend of new (aged/fermented one year) and old (aged/fermented three years). Lindeman's is the most commonly available in the states... I like Oud Beersel myself... Much better tartness.
So... The only way to tell if your beer is still good is to test it.
1. Chill it.
2. Open it and give it a smell... If it smells like feet it probably taste like feet... get rid of it. If it smells like beer move to step three.
3. Pour it into a glass... You should always pour your beer. It releases flavor and aroma and stimulates carbonation which produces head which protects the flavor from oxygen.
4. Look at it. Does it still look like beer? Are there bits floating in it? If it smells and looks OK move on to five.
5. Sip it. Don't gulp. Sip it allowing it to coat your tongue and mouth. If it still tastes like beer... enjoy. If it doesn't sell it on eBay as vintage 90's bottle with content intact... wait I'll probably need to answer this question again for that person... just dump it.
in my house beer doesn't last 13 minutes let alone 13 years. if i had to guess i'd say chill it and try it, won't kill ya' but might taste funky
It depends. If the beers are from one of the megabreweries, they will probably taste "off" but are safe to drink. If they are craft brews, especially the dark, high-alcohol ones (barleywine, doublebock, etc.), you might have a magnificent experience ahead of you.
Safe? posibly.
Worth drinking? probably not.
And blended whiskeys are not best. They are basicly whiskey cut with cheap vodka. Single malt or vatted malts are best.