Is there such thing as alcohol addiction?!


Is there such thing as alcohol addiction?

have you ever been to or seen an AA meeting? Its full of people who suffer from the addiction called alcoholism. not only is it an addiction but it is a diease.

yes its called an alcoholic...

It's called alcoholism

Yes, absolutely. It is a very serious condition.

Yeah, it means the person is an alcoholic.

Yes. It's called alcoholism. Honestly, I'm shocked you didn't know that.

Yes, it's called alcoholism.

duh....of course....why do you think AA was invented?

Yeah it is called an alcholic

i think so they call people who r addicted to it alcoholics

that a good thing or bad thing

yes, and it's the poisonous fermented sugar they're addictd to.


you could say that. alcohol doesn't really have a chemical to cause it to be like nicotine persay, but as people continue to drink it alot it becomes a need for them which leads to them becoming an alcoholic or addicted to alcohol. good question though ((:

Yes, although many addicts frequently deny they have a problem, or brush it off as not being as serious as hard drugs when in fact it's every bit as serious.

I think this is such a great question...and everyone but one or two fired right off with "alcoholism" , which is not really what you are asking, is it? No, there is nothing in alcohol that has really been proven to be addicting. I think (and don't bring in the firing squad here, folks) that feeling the need to constantly drink, as well as doing other drugs that are not technically addicting, is really a blanket for deeper lying issues.

Absolutley any substance placed in the body presents the potential to stimulate chemicals in the brain. It is stimulating serotonin or "relaxation chemicals", drugs/drinks increase serotonin wanting you to continue the high and thus we drink until our heads spin and wake up and want more. LOL, but your body becomes accustomed to that stimulation and you crave it, your brain chemicals decrease when with drawling and then you want more and that's how basically you become a "functional drunk" it is all very twisted, generally drunks drink becuase they are addicted habits generally arent preformed cuase there fun unless its sex LOL! Usually bad habits cant be broken and sipping down the vodka that a hard habit to break my friend, so if you question whether or not you suffer from this more than likely you do, believe me I know I am speaking from experience

if you are asking if the alcohol itself is addicitve, i guess not. but most people who are addicted to alcohol truly just have a mental disease. but one thing about alcohol, it does have a stimulating affect. it dehydrates your brain cells which in turn raises your endorphin level, giving you a good feeling. so while it may not have a physical ingredient that you could extract, it still has a physical affect on your body.

I have had some serious trouble with alcohol lately. For me, I like what it does to me. I use it as a means to cope. I suffer from some sort of social anxiety so when I drink it is mostly to "relax" me, to make me more comfortable in certain situations. And, if I could naturally be confident and at ease, I'd probably never drink. Or, I'd be what people call a social drinker.

I don't even drink that much, but when I drink, I drink ALOT. I So, addiction can take many forms and it can affect many different people. You'd probably not pinpoint me as someone who has alcohol problems.

i don't really think there is.. i think people do it because they think it's "cool" every time i drink i literally get piss drunk to were i pass out and i don't have an addicition for alcohol..

Is this a joke? Yes there is!
Steve Procto

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