On a rainy night with tornados near, what is your favorite cocktail or beverage?!

Question: i prefer the company of a nice keg of Heinken, especially when its ice cold. I want something heavy and tasty so i can hold onto when the winds start whipping up.

Answers: i prefer the company of a nice keg of Heinken, especially when its ice cold. I want something heavy and tasty so i can hold onto when the winds start whipping up.

I would have to say that Id prefer...Vitamin Water orange drink w/ my "Significiant Other" , holding me through that for Ive never been "through a tornado" before...Id love to be in one once...but thats about it...you tc/caribou,God Bless you<KLYhugzUxxx>;)

white wine

Blue Moon, or any nice wheat beer.

red wine

y is ur picture of ur avatar like that, ripped and torn?

Beer with a shot of whiskey

something tropical...perhaps...

Pina Colada
Strawberry Daquiri
Peach Schnapps & lemonaide(or orange juice)
Orange Creamsicle Vodka cooler

Mine would be Heiniken too...Id be drowning that fast and you tc/;)

to the one above... his picture is not ripped or torn... its a lightning effect. So go look it up and type the word lightning in and you will find it. Anyway now to the question. Not really sure if I would even have a beverage. I know wrong answer but, when we had tornadoes 2 miles away from where i was.... I was calling my dad... family. Just so I could talk to him one last time in case I was to be wiped away. I could care less about any beverage. Sorry. So take care guy.

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