Recommend a mixed drink with the following ingredients?!
Recommend a mixed drink with the following ingredients?
Ok, I have some Rum, Whiskey, Gernadine, Vodka, Sour Mix and Triple Sec. Do you have a favorite drink involving only these ingredients,? Not all ingredients listed have to be used but don't add anything else with the exception of these juices: pinapple, apple, orange, grape and cranberry. Let me know!
p.s. i really like drinks on the rocks.
Try these websites, you can type in what ingredients you have, and it will find all of the drinks in their database that you can make. Pretty cool.
Sour Mix, Canadian whiskey and one tablespoon orange juice.
Vodka mixes well with orange and cranberry juice combined.
1 part grenadine syrup
4 parts orange juice
4 parts pineapple juice
Pour yourself a screwdriver (vodka and orange juice on the rocks). It might be boring but it's tasty!
You have everything you need to make dozens of classic cocktails, here's one chosen because alpahbetically it came first in my recipe book:
The Astronaut:
1 measure rum
1 measure vodka
orange and pineapple
Have fun, make your own cocktails give 'em crazy names!
Granadine is bitter, Triple sec is sweet, use those with the rum and vodka.
Use the sour mix for the whiskey. Don't mix fruit juices with the whiskey.
Try the sites below for some online ideas to mix and match the best combinations...
English: Cheers!
Albanisch: G?zuar!
Arabisch: Shereve!
Armenisch: Genatsoot!
Baluchi (Iran): Vashi!
Baskisch: Osasuna!
Bretonisch: Iermat!
Bulgarisch: Na zdrave!
Chinesisch: Gom bui! (Kantonesisch), Gan bei! (Mandarin)
D?nisch: Sk?l!
Englisch: Cheers!
Estnisch: Terviseks!
Finnisch: Kippis!
Franz?sisch: Santé!
Georgisch: Vakhtanguri!
Griechisch: Jámas!
Gr?nl?ndisch: Kasugta!
Hawaianisch: Mahalu!
Hebr?isch: Le'chájim!
Hindi (Indien): Mubarik!
Holl?ndisch: Proost!, Op uw gezonheid!
Indonesisch, Malayisch: Selamat minum!
G?lisch (Irland, Schottland): Sláinte!
Isl?ndisch: Sk?l!
Italienisch: Salute!
Japanisch: Kanpai!
Jiddisch: Mazel tov!
Katalanisch: Salut!
Lettisch: Uz veselibu!
Libanesisch: Kesak!
Littauisch: I sueikata!
Maltesisch: Sacha! Aviva!
Nigerianisch: Mogba!
Norwegisch: Sk?l!
Persisch: Salam ati!
Polnisch: (Na) zdrowie!
Portugiesisch: Saúde! (Galizisch), Tim-tim! (Brasilien)
R?toromanisch: Viva!
Rum?nisch: Noroc!
Russisch: Vashe zdorovie!
Schwedisch: Sk?l!
Serbokroatisch: ′ivjeli!
Somalisch: Auguryo!
Spanisch: Salud!
Tagalog (Philippinen): Mabuhay!
Thail?ndisch: Chokdee!
Tschechisch: Na zdraví!
Türkisch: Serefe!
Ungarisch: Egészségére!
Urdu (Pakistan): Djam!
Walisisch: Iechyd da!
Whiskey Sour
1 shot Whiskey
Fill with Sour Mix
1 1/2 Shots Vodka
4 oz Cranberry Juice
1 oz Orange Juice
Tennessee Tea
1 shot Whiskey
1 shot Triple Sec
1 oz Sour Mix
2 oz Coke (if available)
Pinapple juice, Cranberry juice, Vodka is awesome. Cranberry, vodka, triple sec, sour mix on the rocks is a cosmo, which is tasty. I love whiskey on the rocks straight but if you add sour mix, you have a whiskey sour.