How many 64 oz grolers will it take to bottle 5 gallons of beer?!

Question: Nine. You won't get the full 5 gallons - you'll want to stop siphoning off towards the bottom of the fermenter or else you'll get a ton of residue and dead yeast and crap in your beer. I always plan on loosing a half-gallon to spills and avoiding yeast & sediment when I brew, and I've been pretty close every time.

Keep a 16 Oz bottle or three on hand if you want to try to get a few more pints out of your batch at the risk of getting gritty slop in your beer.

Answers: Nine. You won't get the full 5 gallons - you'll want to stop siphoning off towards the bottom of the fermenter or else you'll get a ton of residue and dead yeast and crap in your beer. I always plan on loosing a half-gallon to spills and avoiding yeast & sediment when I brew, and I've been pretty close every time.

Keep a 16 Oz bottle or three on hand if you want to try to get a few more pints out of your batch at the risk of getting gritty slop in your beer.

There's 128 oz. in a gallon so if you're not nursing a hangover, this should be a piece of cake.

I would have said "ten", but you appear to have consumed enough of the beer that you can get by with nine.

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