Why my mom put beer in the meat?!

Question: she puy the beer in the meat and she said it wont taste like it i promise. i dont think so and yall help

Answers: she puy the beer in the meat and she said it wont taste like it i promise. i dont think so and yall help

Instead of cooking with wine, others choose to cook with beer. There is some taste. Most people can't taste it. It helps keep the meat moist and juicy and brings a little flavor to it.

Personally, I like cooking with wine. I have cooked with beer and really didn't notice a difference.

Lol in the oven/grill the taste will burn off, but still, it gives it lots of flavor. I swear you won't taste a thing.

The taste will usually cook off don't worry. Beer has an interesting way of tenderizing meat and creating a new flavor with the juices of the meat. It also can caramelize and create a nice sauce. Usually results in something good.

Very strange. I think its better to ask with your mom.

It won't.
You can pour almost anything you want in the meat, and it'll taste fine.
Every try Coca Cola chicken?
Does NOT taste like you think it should.

the booze breaks down the meat and makes it tender. it also gives it a hop/barley type flavor. its good stuff.

beer goes in chilli.............taste good.......

It just gives it a little more flavor, it's really good actually. Don't worry.

beer is a natural tenderizer so it'll make the meat have a better texture. all of the alcohol will cook off and it'll just bring complexity to the dish. If you didn't know about the beer you'd never be able to guess what is in the meat because the beer flavor isn't there at all.

Excellent with a good rich gravy in a stew. Flavours change when you cook things, and the beer will 'bring up' the flavour of the other ingredients.

Beer and wine are common ingredients in many meat dishes.

They're both made with natural ingredients, so they compliment the flavor of the meat. The cooking process will "burn off" all the alcohol, so the meat won't taste like beer or wine taste when you drink them.

The barley and hops in beer will flavor and tenderize the meat (as will the natural carbonation), making it very good.

Give it a try . . . I bet you'll like it and will admit that, if no one had told you, you wouldn't even know the beer was in there.

It helps to tenderize the meat, and keep it moist. There may be a LITTLE residual flavor of beer in the meat, but not enough to make the meat taste bad.

it tenderizes the meat and enhances it's flavour...it's all good

Cooking with beer is great... One of my favorites is a Beer Brazed Beef Brisket. The beer helps to break down the connective tissues in the meat making it tender and juicy. Most of the flavor is baked/cooked off leaving only a hint of the beer.

My favorites:

Beer Bread
Beer Brazed Beef Brisket
Beer Boiled Bratwurst
Slow Cooker Beer Boiled Corned Beef
Ale Steamed Mussels
Beer Musket Reduction Sauce over Grilled Chicken
Guinness Stew

Dang I'm hungry now.

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