What do you think about drinking red wine after beer?!

Question: I've had a couple of beers, but am out. I have a bottle of red wine. Do you think I shouldn't drink any of it? And I don't want any "No-you shouldn't drink, it's bad for you." I've already killed my liver. LOL I'm just asking about the hangover I might get. I'm eating, and drinking water in between.

Answers: I've had a couple of beers, but am out. I have a bottle of red wine. Do you think I shouldn't drink any of it? And I don't want any "No-you shouldn't drink, it's bad for you." I've already killed my liver. LOL I'm just asking about the hangover I might get. I'm eating, and drinking water in between.

I have always lived by this simple rule:

- Beer before wine feeling fine

- Wine before beer feeling queer

Which means you have the go ahead! =)

Do not mix wine and beer sweety, Rather nasty hangover that.

sounds to me like you will be getting fat soon.

You will be hung over, waltzing with the toilet to a gagging tune, and in a few years you will be fat. Check out the calories in a beer or a glass of wine or any booze for that matter.

Why do you want to drink so much. I have never drank and I am doing very well and I am very happy.

Well, I can't mix the two. I can drink beer and hard liquor till the cows come home, or wine and hard liquor, but any beer/wine mix is instant headache, and nasty hangover the next day.

Other people i know, can (and do) go back and forth with no issues, even drinking all three in one sitting, with no noticeable ill effects.. so it depends on you.

If it were mine, I'd try a _VERY_ tiny amount, and see if anything changes (Stuffy head, not-so-good stomach, etc) and work from there.

DON'T its a really bad morning after

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